Greetings F5M Member Associates!
As a free gift for reading this email,
oh heck, skip this email! lol
If you haven't done it yet,
go to Your F5M Tools section and download
Video Web Wizard! At no cost whatsover to you!
Includes Master Resale Rights! fr ee ee, to you!
By the way, who knows what this is?
2.7 Million Dollars for 30 Seconds!
(See bottom of email for answer)
OK, I just got off the phone with the number one Internet
Marketer on the face of planet Earth! Big deal, eh?
That's his desk in the photo in your F5M News section.
Anyway, there is also something on the front of Your F5M
website which is relevant to him. From that desk,
he's earned a million dollars a year, marketing the likes
of Your F5M Download Of The Month! You are in the
same business now as he is! Now, you can do it too!
All you have to do ...
is simply send people to click on that box on your website,
"Affiliate Video Brander"! That's it! That's your job! lol
Try it for yourself! It's easy! Then scroll to the bottom
of that Marketing Page, and click on that 'Join Now'
button, or whatever I put there, I don't recall exactly,
It takes your Prospects, the people you help earn,
right back to Your F5M Join Now page! Brilliant!
Earns this guy a million dollars a year, doing this stuff!
That's the number one thing we discussed on yesterday's
online conferences, sometimes a single idea works wonders!
By the way ...
You're the 1st on the World Wide Web to offer AVB!
Others are selling it, like hotcakes, for $97.
You are using it to build your business!
Your clients are only paying $25!
But there was much more on the conf! And here's some of it:
1. Many have asked about the video I had on the website.
I did that with my daughter's little camera, not a video cam!
You know, these new cameras let you take a minute of video.
Then we used Video Web Wizard to put it on the site!
Well I didn't have any lighting or anything, so I'll try again,
this weekend, cause many of said you want it back up!
2. My Story on the front of Your website!
If you get confused, read that again!
The purpose of that, is to show you exactly how.
How I did it. How you should do it. How anybody can.
It aint rocket science, as they say, or I'd be out for sure!
Don't try to re-invent the thang, it aint broke, aight?
3. How It Works
There is now a link at the bottom of that page to an audio
video presentation, your prospects can listen to any time!
Even while you're out surfing! lol
4. TestiMonies
There are some new ones up there,
and I'll be adding some more soon ...
Average folks who did it, no troubles!
5. 3 Step Training
There's a link in Your Members Area now to a simple
3 Step Training for anybody and everybody who needs help!
6. Tools
Want some GOLD? At over $900 an once, who don't, eh?
There are several links in your Tools section to get you some!
7. Virtual Products
I'm not one to 'tease' anything much,
but I do want you to know, that like with DOTM,
(Download Of The Month), we are positioning You,
more and more, in the business of being able to offer
Virtual Products, online, no shipping, no handling, etc,
and going forward ... keep ALL the money!
For example, there are those right now, already,
who have taken Video Web Wizard, the other downloads,
and the Brand New, Affiliate Video Brander,
and put up sites to sell them for $97 a pop,
keeping ALL the marbles! Go figure!
You guys, and gals, are just way too smart for me!
8. Last, maybe least, I don't know, my 3 P's
My 3 Minute Training on Internet Profits!
1. Profitable
Your program must be profitable! Duh, right?
Why spend 100 bucks a month for any lotion,
potion, juice of the month, or whatever,
if at the end of the year, after spending $1,200,
you can't show your wife or husband your profits, eh?
Many average networkers have spent $25 with F5M,
cycled, got there $25 back in the form of a PAID re-entry,
plus $100 soft, warm, cash, plus $20M, plus GLAD pool, etc.
And many have gone AGAIN, and AGAIN, at no more cost!
2. Part-Time
Your program must be Part-Time!
You already have a JOB, right? Who needs another one!
Almost 100% of our successful members are Part-Time.
That is as it should be. That way, it's Pressureless!
It's FUN! The money is EXTRA! No stress!
3. Personal
GONE are the days of sending out a million emails
and having a million people join you! G O N E !
Nowadays, you send a million emails and NOBODY joins!
Online networking has come FULL CIRCLE!
Social Networks! MySpace, YouTube, BenPals, etc!
If you don't believe me, ask John Moton!
People no longer care how much you know ...
That is ... until they know how much you care!
What you should be promoting is NOT f5m!!!
Nor any juice, lotion, potion, pill, or program!
If you do, you lose! And if your losing, that's WHY!
What you should be promoting ... is ... Y O U !
Off The Beaten Path!
A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller.
He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack.
"Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday."
Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name.
The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger,
and it's okay, because the bank manager will vouch for him!
Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral.
The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant,
about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed.
Confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with
the bank manager and disappears into the manager's office.
She says to the manager, "There's a frog named Kermit Jagger
who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000,
and he wants to use THIS as collateral."
She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?"
The bank manager looks back at her and says...
"It's a knickknack, Patty Whack, give the frog a loan ...
his old man's a Rolling Stone!"
(You're singing it, aren't you? Yeah, I know you are........:)
Never take life too seriously!
Who knows what this is?
2.7 Million Dollars for 30 Seconds!
(See bottom of email for answer)
Half minute Super Bowl Ad!
Have a GREAT weekend,
Rick Mathews
Founder & President
F5M, $20M, WTIA, GLAD Club, and MORE!