
No Money Required
2/1/2008 10:33:20 AM

 I not know if you are financially free or struggling, but I do know that if you decide to join My Power Mall that you will be working with people who have little or nothing.  The question then becomes whether My Power Mall is for everyone.  The best way to answer this is to again share something our Founder & CEO, Ginny Dye, wrote:


The last thing I want to talk about today is whether My Power Mall is for everyone.  I believe it is!  Can you succeed with MPM if you are broke or have very little resources?  I believe you can! That is the reason the system is FR~EE and why all tools are FR~EE.  Without giving you a long sordid story, I have had nothing at one point in my life and know what it is like to struggle against almost insurmountable odds to change my life. I have watched people struggle to make money online, investing in one thing after another in a futile search to find the one thing that works, disappointed over and over. 

The question is; can someone build a successful MPM business if they are starting with nothing?  I believe the answer is yes, but you (listen carefully if you are one of them) need to accept some basic truths in the very beginning:

1 -  You are going to have to work harder than other people who have money to invest

2 -   You are going to have to be creative and think "outside-the-box" thoughts.

3 -   You have to accept that it will probably take you a little longer than it will for people with money to invest.

4 -   You are going to have to want it badly enough to pay a little higher price, knowing that your rewards will be exponentially greater as well!


One thing I love about My Power Mall is that there is not a bunch of hype.  They speak honestly, they understand where people are coming from, and they provide everything you need to succeed as long as you are willing to do your part!  What comes after the insert from one of Ginny's letters is a long list of ideas and tips to help build a My Power Mall business if you're starting from nothing.  And, the ideas just keep coming in the form of Updates and a F~REE E-book they give you called 101 Ways to Promote My Power Mall. This book was compiled from ideas of successful leaders in the company.  They are not just ideas; they have actually been used to build successful businesses! 

All you have to do is join, and all these resources will be yours!


Take another look at the things that make My Power Mall so powerful...

-         MY POWER MALL really is FR*EE.  There is no cost to you.  EVER.

-         There is nothing to SELL.  All you have to do is shop in any one of 1000 stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your family need and want.

-         There are No Crazy Qualifying Games. Just one purchase a month - any amount - qualifies you for all pay!

-         There are no meetings.  People already know how to shop! 

-         All tools are FR*EE.  You are given everything you need.


My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives.  In fact, that is their motto:  Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at:

You'll be able to view a great video and have every question answered.  And, if you would like a live person to talk to, please contact me at Adlandpro

I look forward to working with you!




wishing you success Margaret Chaplynski
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