
Make $$$ with Healthy Chocolate - Yes it really is healthy
1/31/2008 6:10:03 PM

Do You Like Chocolate?
We are in the Healthy Chocolate Business.
Xocai - The Healthy Chocolate

What could be better than this?!!                                                          
Delicious healthy chocolate products                                                              
A business that is fun and makes a lot of money
It is exciting to be able to offer these healthy chocolate products. The unprocessed dark chocolate with the Acai berry produces one of the highest anti-oxidant foods available. Our drink, nuggets, Power Squares, Omega Bars and protein bars taste great too. And we all like chocolate -- right? Better yet, coming in Feb. is our new Power Cookie!

These are the most amazing chocolates you will ever experience! Xoçai is an all natural, healthy chocolate that actually creates wellness in YOU. The taste is incredible! Super antioxidant Raw, unprocessed cocoa   +  Super antioxidant Acai Berry   = Chocolate Without Guilt!  THE ULTIMATE ANTIOXIDANT TREAT!
An antioxidant is a healthy chemical compound that prevents the oxidation of other chemicals. Oxidation is a natural reaction that occurs in our bodies in which the atoms in an element lose electrons and the reactivity of the element is correspondingly increased.  Oxidation causes free radicals, which are unbalance, destructive molecules inside our bodies.
Antioxidants protect the body from free radical damage. The presence of antioxidants in the body can "mop up" free radicals before they damage other essential molecules (source: Wikipedia).
Free-Radicals in our Bodies that have been Linked to 200 Different Degenerative Diseases!  Free radicals come from Sunlight, Stress, Toxins, Pollution, X-rays, Radioactivity, Airline travel, Medications, Food additives, Environmental Chemicals, Synthetic materials, Household cleaners, Solvents, Pesticides, Herbicides, and especially from smoking.
ORAC - (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)
ORAC Values refer to the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of a food to subdue oxygen free radicals, as determined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. By testing the ability of foods and other compounds the USDA is able to determine the antioxidant capability of each compound.
To get as much ORAC value out of 1 cup of
Xoçai Chocolate, You'd need to eat:
7 pounds of raw Spinach OR 13 pounds of Red Grapes
OR 51.5 pounds of Tomatoes

Food (3.5 ounces)
Xoçai Chocolate 26,000 
Açai Berry 18,500  
Dark Chocolate 13,000  
Prunes 5770  
Pomegranate 3307  
Raisins 2830  
Blueberries 2400  
Blackberries 2036  
Garlic 1939  
Kale 1770  
Cranberies 1750 
Spinach 1260 
Red Grapes 739 
Tomatoes 189

The ingredients of Xoçai.
The cocoa powder in Xoçai is an unprocessed, all-natural, Cocoa powder from the Ivory Coast.
The Açai berries are harvested from a special Amazon palm tree. Açai berries contain higher amounts of antioxidants than any other fruit

Raw, unprocessed, non-alkalized, chocolate.
Raw, unprocessed, non-alkalized, chocolate contains the following healthy chemical compounds:
Anandamide (a neurotransmitter known as "the bliss chemical")
Arginine (cardiovascular function, cholesterol, nature's aphrodisiac)
Dopamine (a neurotransmitter affecting reward, learning, pleasure)
Epicatechins (antioxidants/anti-cancer)
Histamine (anti-allergen)
Magnesium (for healthy heart function)
Phenylethylamine (PEA) (ability to focus attention and stay alert)
Polyphenols (anti-cholesterol, antioxidants/anti-arthritics)
Salsolinol (anti-stress neurotransmitter)
Serotonin (natural antidepressant)
Tryptophan (anti-depressant amino acid)
Tyramine (antihypertensive)

A few health benefits of Xocai Chocolates would include:
Helps stop Inflammation of the Joints: (Cox 2 inhibitor)
Appetite Suppressant before meals (weight loss)
Appetite Stimulant with meals (weight gain)
Increases Serotonin Levels (depression)
Lowers Gum Disease and Cavities (keep your teeth)
Improves Cardio Vascular Function (heart attacks)
Increases Respiratory Function (asthma, breathing)
Decreases LDL bad Cholesterol (causes strokes)
Helps Control Blood Sugar for Diabetes
Helps Regulate High Blood Pressure
Antihistamine (allergies)                                                                           
Helps with Chronic Fatigue (increases energy levels)
High in Fiber for Regularity in your Stool
Helps Control Heart Burn (like Zantac)
Essential Oils for our Bodies (replaces fish oil)
Helps our Skin
Helps our Liver Function
Studies Show Pancreas Benefits
Studies Show Cancer Benefits
Helps our Kidney Function

How would you like to have better health plus the chance to be a part of this growing business? Contact me for more about Xocai's Products and the opportunity to have your own Healthy Chocolate business.

Visit my websites at - Products - Home Business Opportunity

or email me at

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