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10 Tips For Writing A Highly Persuasive Ad
1/30/2008 6:22:09 AM

1. Publish a picture of yourself in your ad. This will

show people that you're not hiding behind your web

site and you're not afraid to backup your product.



2. List how many famous or respected people have

purchased your product in your ad. These people

should be fairly known by your target audience.



3. Publish the results of any tests your product has

passed in your ad. Your product may have passed

a durability test, safety test, quality test, etc.



4. Publish the results of any positive surveys you've

taken from your customers in your ad. Just survey

your current customers and list the results.



5. List any publications that have written about your

business in your ad. It could be a product review,

on a top ten list, an article, etc.



6. List any related books that you've written in your

ad. When you list a book(s) you've wrote, it gives

you credibility because it shows you're an expert.



7. Have a professional looking web site to publish

your ad on. When people visit your site and it looks

unprofessional, they'll relate that to your product.



8. Publish any endorsements from famous people in

your ad. Some people will think if a famous person,

enjoys your product, so will they.



9. Use a money back guarantee in your ad. This

will remove the risk from your potential customers

and show them that you stand behind your product.



10. Provide testimonials from satisfied customers in

your ad. The testimonials should include specific

and believable results you customers have received.


You want to know what the secret is to making money online? Here it is. It's the hardest part of the whole thing and it's what most people fail at. Ready... GET STARTED! That's it! Ain't much harder than that, but that's the step that kicks most people's rear. To learn how you can make money online, start by going to my website:

Robert Phillips

Are You Leveraging Your Promotinal
Efforts Or Are Your Wasting Them?

Re: 10 Tips For Writing A Highly Persuasive Ad
1/30/2008 7:15:57 AM

***** NEVER sell a product or service.  Sell YOURSELF. *****
- It's really the only thing that people (need to) buy. - =


My dear friend Robert,

I essentially agree with what you stated and therefore went to the website you have posted with what you stated.  A very nice and well done lead capture page. 

Now lets be honest here.  This thread is actually an Ad for your business' and IMHO  a very well done one.  You have much more tech knowledge about computers, eCommerce, MLM, Network Marketing, etc. than I do.  The animated "clip" with the eyes that follow the curser made me laugh and the audio when you click on it was impressive too. 

So, since I went to your suggested website, would you mind dropping by mine?  All it has is information on it about what I do, my contact details, what I have to offer, and an easy, no obligation what-so-ever way to get YOUR business' listed on my website. 

Since you obviously are far advanced above my meager "tech" abilities perhaps you can give me some pointers about how to improve my rather amateurish website at .

Thank you Robert.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Gunther G.

ps - did you see the "feedback" I left on your excellent profile?

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
Re: 10 Tips For Writing A Highly Persuasive Ad
1/30/2008 10:04:53 AM

Hello Gunther,

                     About your website. You asked Robert to give you some tips on how to improve your " meager amateurish" website. It seems he hasn't got up yet, so I'll throw you a few, ok"!

        The page you have here first of all appears to come from "", instead of "" (has a nice ring to it, don't it?!). The first thing you reallty need to do is goto: and get your own dot-com name for $8.95 a year. It's worth a million times that to bring thousands of dollars to "YOUR" business and promote "YOUR" name, instead of's name.

        Next you need to draft up an outline for your site, basically just organizing the pages into subject matter. One page for business opp's, one for professioanl services, one for free tools and resources, etc.. then create a separate page for each product or opportunity. The main thing I saw wrong with your page, was that it was not focused. You can still have several opportunities on the same page, as long as they are all related or all support each other in one way or another, but separate pages really ARE better.

       As a landing page, beit your website, an autoresponder or a splash-page, the main focus is not to show everything you have going all at one time, but mainly to show them one product or service. Once you've sold them on that then offer your other services as an upsell. You could have a tiny page-wide footer at the bottom of each page which subliminally backsells your other services, but keep each page focused mainly on one product or service.

       As a promoter of each of these services, your customers want to know how you feel about it, how you benefitted from it, and why you are selling it to them. So give them a brief paragraph about each product next to the banner or image, and in "YOUR OWN WORDS", sell them on it, THEN send them to your salespage. You will close a LOT more this way, than just leaving them to pick out something on your page and look at it.

       Always remember, your website is like a ship sailing in treacherous waters. You are the Captain on your boat, so YOU direct your customers where YOU want them to go, and they will be buying from you before they even realize they just pulled out their credit-card.

        I hope this has been a help. Good luck in all of your endeavours and have a great day, Gunther. Until the next one, I am,

Your Friend,

Benton Middleton, Independant Ecopreneur

Create Your Own Job, Because EVERYBODY'S an expert at something! Don't know how? Get your FREE 10-STEP BLUEPRINT at: Http://
Re: 10 Tips For Writing A Highly Persuasive Ad
1/30/2008 11:41:27 AM

Thank you Benton.

ViralURL is a cloaking URL that is also earning me money while preventing people from stealing from my affiliate links.  The actual URL, which you would have seen had you visited my website itself, is which as you can see is a private domain name for my Business.

What I was indicating in my post was that since I took the time to visit Robert's website I was asking for a return visit to my website.  Which btw you are most welcome to visit as well so that you can more accurately critique it.

Incidentally, I have sent you an invitation to be friends since I visited your profile and noticed we are not friends yet.

I applaud your product and website, which I visited, however a few months ago we decided to go with Geothermal heating and air conditioning thereby eliminating our need for natural gas completely.  The windchill temp right now here in Winnipeg is -47 c (about the same in f since at -40 they're the same) and it's toasty warm inside my house.

Your soon to be friend.

Gunther G.

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: 10 Tips For Writing A Highly Persuasive Ad
2/16/2008 1:52:31 AM
Hi Gunther

Thanks for visiting my capture page

What i do and others is first offer are help

I do know quite about all aspects of online marketing ive pick up thru the years.

I will visit you website and send you a personnal message to give you advice on it.

Robert Phillips
