MOST of our sign-ups just came in within the past 2 weeks since the conference calls have started! If you've been thinking about joining Lotto Magic now is the right time, just get people to call in Tuesday nights and listen and you'll most likely see sign-ups start happening! December was my first month, I only got one person in Dec because it was too close to Christmas and they didnt have conference calls yet until this month...I also have more downliners that arent from here at ALP, so you can see what the calls are doing for us! These past 2 weeks of January have totally rocked!!
I already have my 5 Team Captains, remember how we only each need 5 thru all levels to earn about $7,900 a month? That's around $95,000 per year. Just do your best to get 5 signups and encourage your people and this can happen for you! 5 signups can happen with 2 months, hey it can happen within a month if you really get down to it, then thru all 5 levels if you have motivated people, that can happen quick, lets say 6 to 12 months, that's not a dream!