Hello friends, my second faise on my study of sin. Lets begin with the wages of Sin? 1.) Death. 2.) Hell. 3.) Darkness. Gift of God 1.) Eternal life. 2.) Heaven. 3.) Light. John 3: 1-7. Born again (v.3), born of water and spirit (v.5), born again (v.7). Personal decision as an adult. So what message must one believe if any to be in the light (to be saved?) Acts 2:22-24. Jesus is from God- miracles (v.22). hope your reading along. Jesus raised physically from the dead (v.24). Everyone is responsible for crucifixion of Christ (v.23). All have sinned (Romans 3:23). these are my teachings and so the response of people in Acts 2:37 - There cut to the hert asking what shall we do? Once the people believed, what did they do? Acts :38-42. Repent in greek it means to (Turn) and be baptised- ( to be immersed). Purpose of baptism- Sin forgiven- Therefore this is the point in time a peson is saved. Holy Spirit given to each who responded- power to live as God command. Baptism Romans 6:1-4. Baptism if the sharing ( a participation) in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (more than just a symbol). I have more studys on this, salvation, conversions and so on but this is the just of my second teaching in the light and darkness studys. Thank you for reading. God_bless you. Thomas