Lesson 7
More Tables
Now that you know the basics, let's see if we can't fine tune your TABLE a little. It's fairly easy to change the way your table looks on the page.
You can change the size and color of your table, specify a border size, and add space between the table cells.
More Attributes Still...
You determine all of these things by using several different attributes in your TABLE tag
Laying It Out
Just a Reminder to Remove this ! after you copy this code or the code will not work
<!TABLE WIDTH=33%> Use the WIDTH attribute inside the table tag to specify how much of the screen you want your table to span.
You can use a percentage, like I just did, or you can use pixels for the value.
<!TABLE BGCOLOR=yellow> BGCOLOR in a table works just like the BGCOLOR attribute in a body tag.
Use the color's name or it's Hexadecimal code.
I Need My Space!
CELLPADDING and CELLSPACING will let a little air into your table and make it easier to view.
is the amount of space you want between your table cells.In the example
above, I specified that I want five pixels of space between my cells.
CELLPADDING is how many pixels of space you want on the inside of your cell between your text and the border.
Here's a table with cellspacing and cellpadding
Notice how there's plenty of space between the individual cells | Also notice that the text inside of the cells doesn't touch the border |
Now here's the exact same table without cellspacing or cellpadding
The cells in this table have absolutely no space between them | And the text runs right up against the border |
Quite a difference, huh?
Speaking Of Borders
You can control the thickness of your table border by using the BORDER attribute.
<!TABLE BORDER=4> You can even lose the border altogether by indicating a value of 0 for the BORDER attribute.
you scroll back up this page to where I list the Table attributes in
large black text, you'll see an example of a table with a zero border.
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