Hello Everyone,
I am writing to let you know that we will be having a Q & A Meeting this week Friday, January 18th, 2008. The meeting will be hosted by Robert Phillips, Mary Hofstetter, Nan Herring and myself, Marilyn Martin. At the beginning of the meeting I will talk to you about different methods of advertising your business online and offline...there are many, many different ways. After that short presentation we will open the room up for people to ask any questions about uVme that you may have.
Not sure about the Pay PLan? Need to understand what is happening after we launch next week? Have questions about upgrading? Need help with how to promote your business or how to get people signed up? Whatever questions you may have, now is the time to ask at this meeting. Let us help you if whatever problems you are having! If you do not ask questions no one will know that you need help, and how will you become successful without having full knowledge of your business. Remember...KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!
Meeting Time: 12pm EST Date: Friday, January 18th, 2008 Place: http://virtualworlddirect.e-lectazone.com
Please let other people know about this meeting as well. Send this email to your downline so they are aware of the meeting too! We look forward to seeing you there!
Marilyn Martin uVme Team Leader