
the code breaker is here
1/9/2008 11:40:29 AM
What is the difference from a successful moneymaking Web site and one that is dead on arrival?

The difference is one site gets lots of targeted free search engine traffic while the other site is on page 99 of Google at best.

That’s right—traffic and lots of it.
Many people believe that content is king, but that’s like putting the cart before the horse.

What good is the world’s greatest content if nobody ever finds it?

But all traffic is not created equal.

You could run up your credit card balance with pay-per-click traffic hoping for a decent return. And if you are lucky enough to find a profitable niche, it is only a matter of time before someone else will move in, shrinking your profit margin to nothing.

Or you could write tons of articles and submit them to the hundreds of article sites and hope the end user feels like giving you credit for the article you wrote. I don’t know about you but I have no desire to relive 12th grade English.

Or you could wait for the traffic ferry to come by and sprinkle some search engine love dust on your site. I heard he is booked up, so good luck getting him to visit.

Or you could become a hermit and spend months learning everything about search engine optimization. Let’s face it, you have enough to do already without adding something else into your schedule.

Now there is a much easer way to get all the free traffic you could ever want, but it requires something…watching videos!

Charles Kirkland has done the hard part for you. Now you can learn from his success and failures with his new four-step process to get top search engine rankings. Charles takes the mystery out of getting top search engines listings in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Now I know you have heard this a million times before.

I know I have.

Most of the time it is followed by some fuzzy screen shot for a top listing for some five-word keyword that nobody in their right mind would ever use.

Getting a top spot for the keyword “Anchorage, Alaska dog walking service” isn’t going to be hard.

That is what I expected when I first heard about Charles and this SEO Codebreaker system he developed.

Was I wrong?

Watch the video on his home page and you can be the judge.

He has multiple first page listings on Google, Yahoo, and MSN for a number of different sites, including some with very competitive keywords. He is not only dominates niches, he is kicking butt in whole categories.

What makes this so amazing is that he has broken down the steps into a simple four-step process. Watch the online videos of how it’s done online right now.

Just click on the link below to check it out yourself.


P.S. Remember, getting top search engine rankings is like having the ability to give yourself an instant pay raise when you need it.

Coming Soon.
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