Seven years ago I had a dream to start working online and make a lot of money.I dreamed of quitting my job as an Auto Mechanic and stay at home and work my own hours and be my own Boss.I was very motivated and spent hours and hours joining programs that claimed to make me rich overnight.I spent a lot of time and money and continued this for about 4 years....I woke up one day and said to myself...you failed again....I had not made money,I was not happy,I still had my regular job,same boss,same problems,same worries,ect.
This was very hard to swallow...I walked away from my computer and later that day found myself walking down a wooded trail.I was thinking and feeling sorry for myself because I felt let down..I felt like I had done everything right and still I failed.I wondered why it seemed that everyone working online was making Money except me.I was mad at God,I thought he was ignoring my prayers and wishes.I thought about every negative aspect of my life.I decided I was a Born Loser.
Well,This went on for a while,my marriage fell apart,I started drinking and smoking,I decided I had to just be unhappy and take what ever life threw at me.This was a very stressful time in my life..It was like a roller coaster of emotions,part of me was trying to move forward,the other side was pulling me back.I felt like I was being pulled apart.I was all wrong and yet I knew deep down I was better and should not be acting like this.The One thing that may have saved me was my love of reading,It was always there to help me escape the world,even if only for a few minutes or hours.The second thing was one of my family members that had gone through a few of the things I had and succeeded in finding happiness and wealth.My sister was my greatest inspiration in my life and still is.
I was told to read some Self-Help books on Inner Peace Titles like
"Finding Financial Fulfillment "Living in the Now","The Laws of Prosperity","The Laws of Attraction","Success Principals",Your Sacred Self,"The Power Of Intent"
"Think yourself Rich","Think and Grow Rich","Over The Top","Awakening to you Life's Purpose","The Passion Test","The Reconnection,"The Jesus Path","The Peaceful Warrior" and many CD's and Enlightenment type Programs and Books....So this is what I started to focus on,I read everything I could get on Success,Positive thinking,Stories about others success.I found a new relationship with God,I stopped Drinking and Smoking and started walking on a regular basis.I slowly developed a new outlook on the life we lead that can only be explained as a Spiritual Awakening..I was rid of any for of my negative thinking,I got rid of the damaging Ego that controls so many lives..I began caring and seeing everything in the world as an act of God and the Power of the Universe.I Found that everything is nothing more than Energy,we choose it to be negative or positive.
Every book I read was really all the things that the Bible had said all along.I didn't become some Holly Roller that was just praying for Miracles to happen,No, that's not what it's all about.It's about Thanking God and the Universe for all that you have.
It's about taking time to be quiet and seeing the beauty in everything,It's about wishing for peace instead of being for or against war.It matters not what your religion is,It the words and thoughts that come out of you that define who you are.We are all linked together and when you say or hurt someone else you are doing the same to yourself.
As I started this new process,it became stronger and stronger,Good things started happening,My life was whole again,I was happy,I was relaxed,I have Zero Stress,I no longer worry about money,There is always a surplus.I wake each day early so I can greet the day before the sun rises and my fist thoughts are always"Thank you God..This is going to be a Great Day..I feel good,I can't wait to get started"...When I say these simple words my mind responds and it happens...You will find this is the Secret everyone is talking about..You become what you think about.Think good positive thoughts and good things happen,Think negative thoughts and negative things happen.Be Yourself and let no one rattle your cage..stay in control..Think before speaking...listen to yourself..Listen to others with an open mind..Don't judge people..Don't criticize someone else's beliefs...Bring a calm and relaxed feeling to everyone around you.Stay away from anything or anyone sinful because it will only weaken you.Give thanks for all that you have and do not be afraid to ask god and the universe for what you want.Stay focused and remember that we are here to have a spiritual journey of Success and Happiness and to create our own form of reality..Our Bodies are nothing more then a vessel to carry our soul..Our Inner Self never ages or changes..We are here on earth to Live a happy and wealthy life.Always live in the "Present moment"....You cannot do anything "Now" about the future and you cannot go back in the Past and change it...You had no Failures in the Past..only learning experiences.
It's not about how much money you have,It's not about your level of education,It's not about your material possessions,Money can be the root of all evil..But it was not meant to be like that,God wants us to be wealthy,It's what you intend to do with the money you have or want that's important.If your rich,give away as much as you can afford to,it will always comeback to you in ways we may never be able to explain....Help anyone that needs help....And just try and be a better person Today..Today is all we really have.All we can really do is be better than we were before.This doesn't make us better than anyone else,it just makes us better than we were before.
P.S. Remember,Real Wealth and Happiness in life is not about money,It's how you feel inside.If your looking for Love,Happiness and Riches outside of yourself..you have yet to figure it out..It's inside you,It's always been inside you.All you have to do is be quiet and turn off the chatter in your brain and the answers will flow into your mind..Listen to your heart..if it feels wrong,than it's wrong.Don't make excuses,Know in your heart what you want, Think it,Dream it,visualize it and it will happen.If you cannot sit and be quiet and peaceful and happy at this very moment and be thankful and content with who you are ,nothing in the world will ever change you or bring you happiness...
Bruce Tyler
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