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OREO's WINning Invitation!!
1/2/2008 5:10:54 PM
"Thank You Sam"

Dear Adland Friend...

I warmly invite you to take a personal tour of THE WIN NETWORK.

I was originally approached by my good friend (Adland's Prayer Warrior) Thomas Richmond. I also, at the time, knew that Crystal Weckerly was promoting THE WIN NETWORK quite heavily too. This enticed me into taking a deeper look into what this program has to offer.

So I enrolled for FREE under Thomas and viewed a live "Wealth 101" seminar. I was totally blown away by the potential of what I saw and heard!

Also, I trusted Crystal's and Thomas' judgement knowing that they would not steer me wrong.

My friend...I invite you to join our team today. Enroll for FREE. Attend a live "Wealth 101" seminar and you be the judge!

This is a 100% NO OBLIGATION commitment on your part...if you feel that this is not a fit for you, simply cancel. There are NO strings attached at all!

You can even promote YOUR business within THE WIN NETWORK for FREE too! Once you view the "Wealth 101" seminar you will see exactly what I am talking about. lol

I look forward to helping you take YOUR business to the next level by using THE WIN NETWORK!

Please click ANY link down in my signature file for more FREE WINing information.

Let's WIN together...your OREO friend Steven. can win CASH prizes just by attending FREE seminars. See you there!!
Flag of Steven Suchar

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Re: OREO's WINning Invitation!!
1/3/2008 10:05:02 PM
"Thank You Sam"

Dear Adland Friend...

Do you enjoy hosting "live" interactive meetings to promote your favorite program, product or service?

If you do then...


You will have a captive audience who WANT to hear about YOUR business alone!!  You don't even need to send out invitations...just schedule it with WIN administration and...


The members of the WIN Network are a wonderful group of friendly people who are looking for ways to make and/or save $$$'s

If you have a "high demand" product to market...this IS also the right place to bring it.


Using The WIN Network.

Sign up for FREE (No Obligation Required) and attend a Wealth 101 seminar to see and hear about what is waiting for YOU and YOUR business!!

Please Click Here

Let's WIN Together In 2008 :)

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

PS...You can personally WIN cash prizes too!!
Flag of Steven Suchar

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Re: OREO's WINning Invitation!!
1/6/2008 10:56:46 PM
"Thank You Sam"

I Am Giving This Away!!

Promote YOUR Program/Product...
Using The WIN Network!!

Get Your Own
Interactive Network

Please Click Here
Flag of Steven Suchar

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Re: OREO's WINning Invitation!!
1/18/2008 11:04:01 PM
"Thank You Sam"

Dear Adland Friend...

I Love The WIN Network!! :)

You've more than likely seen me promoting throughout our community in various forums...also on the pop-up screens as I'm posting.

The WIN Network Works...Plain & Simple!!

Since January 1st 2008, 62 members have joined my downline...totalling 118 members since I joined back on September 30th 2007.  My downline is growing steadily everyday.

I was originally approached by Thomas Richmond (Adland's Prayer Warrior).  I trusted Thomas 100% and joined knowing he would not steer me wrong!!  Well, he hasn't.  Thomas is a continuing 'tower of support' day in and day out.

Thomas and I have both won cash prizes already and are having a ton of fun too!!

I immediately upgraded to 'Ad Executive Gold' and the WIN network is building my downline 24/7 without fail.

Here's the kicker...WIN's CEO is even doing 6 LIVE seminar's on our behalf every week!!

Boy...if you're not absolutely in love with what you are doing, come on over to the WIN Network and we'll put a huge smile on your face guaranteed. :)

Go ahead and click any link down in my 'sig file' for more WINning information!!

We want to help you make 2008 the best ever and we would love to have you on our team.

Let's WIN Together!!

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

PS...This is an international opportunity & FREE to join.
Flag of Steven Suchar

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Re: OREO's WINning Invitation!!
1/24/2008 3:40:51 PM
"Thank You Sam"

You Could Be WINNING Money!!

In The WIN Network!!

Hello Adland Friend...

I hope that you are having a wonderful day.  :)

I just wanted to mention that the top CASH prize in the 'Winners Pool' is up to $100!!! 2nd is $60. 3rd is $40. 4th is $30. 5th is $20. 6th is $10. 7th is $10.

Also, you can win several times within the same is possible. My direct sponsor, Thomas Richmond, won a total of $120 a few weeks back!!  I have won $30 so far. 

"But you can't win if you don't join".

Go ahead and join for FREE under Adlands Steve
Maugherman.  He will be your direct sponsor and you will be positioned in our group matrix.

Please Click Here

Let's WIN Together!!

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

If you are a WIN'r already, dust off your link and get to as many events as you can...put some CASH in your pocket now!!

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