
Earn $397 - $1,500 every time we make a sales for you!…make money!
1/1/2008 11:01:51 PM

I hire recruit & train business executives, entrepreneurs, and savvy business minded individuals. If you are anyone you know that would like to earn $397 - $1,500 dollars a day.!!

Please check out my Corporate gold site, Dave our company # 1 top income earner at

150k    200k monthly is closing all our members sales for them…


Nine out ten people calling join our company and Dave closes all your sales for you without you ever talking to any prospects…


This will change your financial lifestyle forever… you keep 100% commission of all your sales It’s an 1/2 hour call you will not be able to sleep tonight after hearing this call… the adrenaline Rush like you’ve never seen, you got to show up Mon & Wen…


No one has ever been mad at me for making them money…


Mondays & Wednesdays at 9 P.M. (EST)


Dave Will Close Your Sales Call For You LIVE


Go to:


User Name: Your Name


User password: Call me now for the Password to the Sales Call at:


614-288-7835 Tommy Hill


Founding Member

Just Google me Tommy Hill Columbus - Ohio
Tommy Hill 614-288-7835
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