
Shawn Murphy

5 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
12/30/2007 6:01:24 PM

One of the most powerful states of energy is gratitude. Showing gratitude for anything in your life shifts your energy in a positive direction. Look at your life; you have shelter, food, and a computer, hey even this newsletter to be something that you can be thankful for in your life. No matter how bleak or desperate you may feel right now, I can reassure you there are millions of people with less in their lives. You will never manifest the life you desire if you do not have gratitude in your life. Remember having true gratitude and trying to fake it will not foul your subconscious. When you show this emotion you have to feel it, truly experience the joy you can have by appreciating what you have in your life.

This is something I learned from The Secret, I have a gratitude rock. It’s a small beach rock that I have in my pocket every day of my life. Whenever I put my hand in my pocket or feel it against my leg I am reminded of all I have in my life and I always smile. I touch it in the morning when I get dressed and when I go to bed in the evening, it keeps me in touch with what I have in life. I have the same rock for the past 6 months; it feels almost a part of me at this point. It works for me; it’s something you may want to try.



Shawn Murphy


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