
Neil Sperling

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Jump start your 2008 Traffic with these FREE links/tools
12/25/2007 2:21:33 PM
Start the Year Off with a bang.... Follow these steps for one hour a day between now and New Years Eve and traffic will increase right out of the starting gate New Years Day.

1- Get your 5 FREE splash Pages now (link below)
2- Create 3-5 splash pages that introduce people to ALL your programs on one page - make all pages a little different adding your own attention getting pictures and colors.
3- Sign up for the FREE to JOIN TE below (Tower Hits and Traffic Bunnies)- and start surfing.... just bank your credit points earned surfing to use starting in January - thus don't add your Splash pages to the Traffic Exchange system yet.
4- Try to average one hour a day surfing and building credit points up.
5- sign up in the FREE TO JOIN VIRAL and Web Site Optimize programs below, and add those banners to your Splash Pages and use one of your Splash Pages as the URL.
6- Keep Surfing, averaging 1 hour a day.
7. Come January 1- you've built up a credit account on the TE, now add your Splash Pages and track the hits.... keeping your credit points up by either surfing or purchasing the points.

Got the money- save the time - buy the credits
Got no money? - spend the time surfing till ya DO.

Viola - you will have jump started your hits and your business "Right off the starting line - Jan 2008"

Aint It Great!


Everyone serious about network marketing should know what splash pages are... and use them in their TE and Advertising campaigns.

Here is a GREAT site. They give FREE members 5 Splash Pages....Connect them to a rotator and more....

They even Track the unique and total hits on each page too.

This is the tool smart networkers use in Traffic Exchanges.

Get Your Splash Page PLUS -  here.

So now you have a Spalsh Page


Everyone should use traffic exchanges (TE) besides the one that comes with Adland. These two bring me hits - one is on auto rotation, the other is manual. I find the manual gets better hits however they have both brought me business.

You really need to give them some time.

Sign up - get your banners for them as I have.... Promote YOUR TE links like I have,
that will end up Promoting YOUR business(s).

I Guarantee you will find the work of promoting on these two exchanges worth while!

So Sign up, place your business links on the TE (and viral programs.... see below).... Promote "YOUR" TE and Viral links and your business will grow at the same time.

Gte your Website Traffic HOPPING with Traffic Bunnies

The Two Viral Links below also are working GREAT for me!

You MUST work Traffic Exchanges and Viral Marketing links to get hits - but after a while of constant marketing of YOUR links you will gain hits like crazy..... so don't just sign up in them - WORK them. Promote YOUR links everywhere..... they WILL work for you when you WORK them... guaranteed! ...... So don't just sign up in them - work them like no tomorrow and you will see the results are worth the effort!

FREE Viral and Web Promotional Tools


Note- FREE Affiliate link for MEP is on left side, on the green bar.


Free online advertising

Gte your Website Traffic HOPPING with Traffic Bunnies

Click Here for Free Traffic!
Click Here for your Free Traffic!

Love Light and Laughter!

Neil Sperling

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Re: Jump start your 2008 Traffic with these FREE links/tools
12/26/2007 12:28:20 AM
Hey Neil, you definitely have plenty of fireworks to start the New Year off with a bang (kind of like on the movie Deck the Halls with Matthew Broderick and Danny DeVito lol). Thanks for sharing, and have a prosperous New Year. Merry Christmas. Stephen
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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