Thanks for the response Mary.
Well I am going to tell you all something here, and I want it to be as encouraging as it can...I will telll you about our villian satan.
This is one of the many times he loves to see all of Gods people at the worst they could possibly be. To him we are like puppets on a string just waiting for him to pull. You see our mind is his battleground, and if we are all not prayed within the strenght of the father, and with all the commotion going around, how can we not get into it all?
Satan plans all year for this event, he has certain demons that are yes...assigned to each person that satn allows them to be with, and their main goal is to keep us off track, and even in certain instances their are people that are so involved with what is going on around them, that they are totally oblivious to what is going on within them.
They say it is stress from the holiday....did you know that the holiday was created by a pegan group in the old testament times, and it has no meaning whatsoever, to what God wanted this to be all about. The lights, the tree, all the hoopla was all part of a ritual that they partook in where they were celebrating some idolistic event that has been twisted around so much it does not make any sense.
But we all know the true meaning for the season is to celebrate the bith of Christ, but why does it have to stop there, doesn't Jesus tell us to love him with all of our minds, hearts, and souls without ceasing. We also should celebrate him daily, just not on a certain day set aside according to a ritualistic event held every year. The Christmas you have now is very materialistic, it has nothing to do with jesus, except for the giving of gifts that the 3 wisemen gave at bethlehem, and now that is even marred by greed and deception from the retailers around the world.
So to answer you truthfully...Satan is relying upon everyone to do there part, so he can activate his plan which is to totally deceive, get off track, stress, and even have people do some bad things such as ending of ones life do to all the hype and pressure of keeping up with the Jones's. People it is not about retail, it is not about going broke on high overpriced gifts, and it is certainly not about stressing ones self to death over what a person may feel or the response that is craved by the attention of what is given and received as gifts.
My son is 9 years old, and he knows that Santa is a folklegend, and that Christmas is all about Christ, not us! We give him a gift as appreciation for all he does and what he has accomplished in the year.
He fully understands everything here, and I wish that most parents would teach the same to their children, and tell them the truth about Christmas.
Blessings and Love to you all!! Minister T