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Hello Friends, A story from Minister Tommy.
12/22/2007 11:59:50 AM

Hello and Blessings Friends,

I wanted to tell you a bit about my self, and what I want to do while I am here on adland pro.

I am originally from Texas, yes a real cowboy, with shilvery as one of my main goals I try to do daily. I am a real people person in the aspects that I really care about peoples feelings and how they are treated.

I was in the military for 5 years, but a serious injury from a fire I was fighting, caused me to end what I was doing in the service, I was a fireman. I had 4 opperations to correct the problems I had, and as a result of all of the pain and discomfort I was going through, and the way my body was healing, I developed Fibromyalgia. This is a very painful illness and can be very stressing to my body at times. Due to all of this I have to take 7 perscriptions, and still remain in constant pain. I Thank God daily for helping me to cope with this, even though it was not my own fault, but that of the Government...I still remain bitter at times for what I was put through, and treated as if I was the  stupid person for according to them, not abiding by their precautions. That my friends is another page I can fill up for your enjoyment. Well I did get something good out of it all, and I am being compensated for my entore life, but sometimes that doesn't seem enogh for all the mess i was put through, just because they did not want to except responsibility for what they were delinquent in doing!.

Ok..ever been depressed??? I am a man of God, but still a person, so all of you whom are going through depression, and or a painfull illness like Rhumatoid Artheritis, well lets just say I can help you out with knowing how all this feels and what it can do to a person, for i am depressed also...BUT I am working through all of this with the Lords help!! You see I am a real person as you are, and i can understand what you could be going through on a daily basis.

I am being truthful here to all of you, and what I am wanting to do is, I am wanting you to know my story so we can be on the same page together. Well Pheww no its not a novel yet!! (LOL) I have had a lot go on in this 40 years that i have been on this earth from the bigg help of our lord Jesus!! being my anchor!!!

One thing I have always wanted to accomplish was... that anyone I came across I could encourage them, and show them the love of Jesus, as it has been shown to me! I also have been through the MLM fiasco...and I have alot to give on that. Jesus says Freely you receive, Freely you give, with a loving heart. Well that is what I am setting out to do, prove to people that satan is a deceiver, and a theif, and he is always wanting to take what you have or may have gained. He does this through greed and deception, through other people.

My dear friends, i am not here to sell you on anything, i am just wanting to give education as I have received, the hard way, and allow you to come to a conclusion by yourself to see what I am saying is true!

That is why I have created a ongoing Forum series here for you to educate yourself on what others do not want to give , due to greed on their part. Remember God can give and take away just as fast! Just look at the stars etc that have had it all, but have either lost their lives, or lost everything they have. God is serious with all of this!! it is all his and we are all accountable for what we do with what he gives us!.

I will be starting the series here soon, i just ask that you get in touch with me to let me know if you want to receive it, and how many folks i need to get info for, so when you finish this forum here, you are reading now, please just go click a message off to me letting me know what you would like!

Thanks for listening, and the fun has just began, I am making it my goal to be a millionair for God, and take as many with me as i can, so.....if you want it...take it!

Blessings and Love in Jesus...Minister Tommy

Tommy Heldenbrand DivinelyAnointedMinistries
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Hello Friends, A story from Minister Tommy.
12/22/2007 5:04:47 PM
Ok tommy, I'm in my seat and ready to attend to what you have to teachus. I bought two hearing aides for the occasion. Not funny as it cost me more than I can afford. But then we all pay a price don't we?
Re: Hello Friends, A story from Minister Tommy.
12/22/2007 5:44:13 PM


I have a new seies I am going to place in the next day or so. I have been praying about what most people will need and i have a great educational series I have made. Thank you for all your posts!

Blessings and Love!!

Tommy Heldenbrand DivinelyAnointedMinistries

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