Hi Nick I do not know if you got the letter me explaining why the photo of Bahaullah should not be published. You may have received a notice simply saying the photo is not to be published, you see the photo is to be seen only as part of the pilgrimage program. That is correct. So why does this William publish this photo in a book. A photo of Bahaullah is not to be circled around because we humans are meant to know Him through His Word, which is the lovecreating, peacebringing Word of God. When we meet Him , mysteriously, through His Oceanic Revelation we are Truly meeting Him, that is, in Spirit. Jesus said something similar, happy are they that do not see but still believe, remember. For the same reason there are no picturing of Muhammad either.
No great harm done I also said,Do not be sad for this. But I took it away. I just wonder if the photo of Bahaullah ,that you showed is a faked one. Could be. I cannot possibly understand how otherwise this William so and so would ever produce one. I learned that there is only one photo of Bahaullah when I was on pilgrimage very long time ago, and I remember He did look very stern, and weary, shortly released from the Black Pit, this one , of Mr William,is taken more from the front. If it is Bahaullah. I hardly remember His traits or features from that one photo which I watched for five minutes in the beginning of the 80ies.. The other photo of all those people, with Abdu'l-Bahá in the midst I have seen. It is circulated. There are several photos of Abdu'l-Baha. He did not want to be photographed either though. But He did it finally. For our sake. Also Abdu'l-Bahá is to be met through His Writings, that is the true meeting with Him too. Yes. And I have. I have even dreamt about them,doing things for me, once in a classroom. and these meetings are also true, because they are filled with love. You made me very surprised, indeed. But better is to study Bahaullahs Word and then only look at Him while on pilgrimage. There is actually a portrait of Bab too. At the Archive. A painting in the old oriental stile, beautiful. He sitting under a tree, I think. Maybe it is the portrait that was done by the artist that the Russian ambassador brought with him for that. Anyway you haven't caused the heaven to crush down on us, not at all. But I will find out about that fellow. What was his name again William? I want to add that I feel you wished only well doing this publication as if for me, so thank you anyway. Greetings from Laila