Hi Adlanders ...
In a rush? Then get your hands on a free ebook
that will take Frustration and Failure OUT of
your vocabulary.
Ebook For F-R-E-E
Most likely you are already involved in a network marketing program, right?
I'm already in one, too.
I'd bet my right arm that I couldn't convince
you to change programs.
And you can't convince me to leave my
company and join yours, either.
If you could convince me to change, that would be selling.
Are you good at selling? Most people aren't. And if you want people to duplicate what you do then you better not be selling because you will not see much duplication.
In fact 93% of the population does not like to sell or be sold.
So why does almost everyone at AdlandPro try to pitch their program to those of us who already have a program? It's really futile.
There is a far better way. Check my profile. There is no Network Marketing company mentioned. But AdlandPro is one of my easiest, effective, and most abundant lead generation programs ... Period.
Why is this so? I believe it's because People join People, they don't join companies. The majority of programs aren't working
for most people. Even the one's that people seem to boast
about aren't actually and honestly working.
So in lieu of trying to get you to join me in my program, I am going to show you how to be successful in Network Marketing and I will do it for F-R-E-E.
Strangely enough, when I show people how to be successful, a lot of them want to join me in my program. Only after they express an interest in joining me do I ever tell them what program I'm in. Kind of backwards of how everyone else does it, wouldn't you agree?
Not only will I show you how to be successful in Network Marketing but I will do it for F-R-E-E. And I will teach you how to show others how to be successful so that they will want to join you before they know what program you are in.
If you think that you may be interested in a new approach to Network Marketing, then download this ebook written by my personal friend, coach, and mentor.
Ebook For F-R-E-E
There are no advertising links. No companies or products mentioned. Nothing to buy. Just great generic information that will save you a lot of stress and save you Years of failure and frustration.
If you like what you read then I will show you how to plug into 10 plus hours per week of training, unlike anything that you have ever seen in this industry and it's all free. You will have access to as much of our free training as you like and for as long as you like to build the program of your choice.
We make our money from our Network Marketing program, not by charging people for help. You want to be trained by people who are building a business today, not by people who did it years ago and now want to charge you for old information because they are unable to build again under current conditions. They can't build with what they know and you will not be able to either.
Call me with any questions you have.
Expect Success.
Melanie Kissell
818-541-5569 Pacific Time
Creating Relationships and Vitality Everywhere