There are so many great kids that do wonderful things in our Communities, but far too often the public never hears about those youths. This week I chose to write about an organization called "Suitcases For Kids".
"Suitcases For Kids" was started back in 1995 by an 11 year old girl by the name of Aubyn Burnside. Aubyn heard about children in foster care programs having to move around alot, and most of them had to carry their belongings in black plastic garbabe bags. This news really upset her, and she thought how the kids must feel like garbage themselves. Aubyn decided that she was going to make sure that every child in foster care would have a suitcase of their very own. So the "Suitcases For Kids" program was born!
At first Aubyn didn't receive any response to her flyers etc, and so her mom and her to the Salvation Army and bought about 30 cases for $15. After that, donations started pouring in from all over. Aubyn's goal now is to teach people to recycle their old suitcases just like they do with bottle and cans or newspapers.
If anyone would like to help by donating your old suitcases you can visit the website, to get a list of places that need them. If anyone would like to start their own chapter please contact:
Aubyn C Burnside P. O. Box 2893 Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
Written By: Marilyn L. Martin Public Service Director TGAMM FM Radio 105.7