
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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METEORIC RISE in Memberships Expected HERE! Congrats to the team who won $5,462.50 in November!!
12/11/2007 7:45:35 AM

Starting in January, Lotto Magic will have 2 conference calls every Tuesday night. 

The first call will explain the opportunity to prospects, and answer the most frequently asked questions. 

The second call will be training for new members to help you get started quickly and become familiar with the marketing tools.

Lotto Magic is now paying commissions on 5 levels for Team Captains beginning with the January paychecks, for all downliners you have in December, and for every month from now on.

Also with the new structure, if you have a winning ticket, you'll get 50% of the winnings instead of the former 10%.  You still get 10% of all winning tickets in your downline, now it will be 5 levels of potential winning tickets instead of just 2 levels.

If you are a Team Captain and you only get 5 sign-ups on your first level, ever, and each of your downliners thru all 5 levels does the same, and that's all you ever do, you each will eventually earn a monthly paycheck of $7,925 and have 31,248 monthly tickets in the Florida lottery. 

Even if you and your downliners only get referrals at a snails pace, you'll still be able to earn a great income.

Suppose it takes each of you 3 months from the time you joined to get 5 referrals, you each could attain that $7,925 monthly by your 8th month.

But many Lotto Magic members make an AVERAGE of 8 sign-ups monthly, so getting 5 referrals can happen within your first month if you make a consistent effort.  If your entire downline does that, all of you could reach $7,925 monthly within a few months.

It will not take a lot of your time to promote Lotto Magic.  The top earners only put in a few hours weekly, about 15 hours per month, that's less than 2 working days. 

Lotto Magic has seen explosive growth in the last 2 years, now in 2008 with the new 5-level commission plan and conference calls, this company is expected to have a meteoric leap in membership AND earnings. 

Join now and you'll get your start-up pack within a week with all the marketing tools and information about this fantastic opportunity, including membership in a huge online discount site where you can save on 1,000's of retailers and have the chance to win great prizes in the discount site's monthly contests, plus you get unlimited deluxe hotel accomodations in dozens of resorts in North America for only $29 for a 3-day/2-night stay.

Or join by phone 1-850-864-2251 and give sponsor ID number V7577.

Thanks and have a terrific Tuesday!!

There were four 5-of-6 winning groups this fall, the average payout of matching 5 numbers is $5,000.  Under the current pay plan, those winnings were shared by 10 people getting 10% each.  Under the new plan, the person with the winning ticket will get 50%.  As a Team Captain, you'll get 10% of winning tickets of your downliners.  Congratulations to the team who shared the $5,462.50 payout in November, ten people each got $546.25, plus the Team Captains also earned their monthly commissions.

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Re: METEORIC RISE in Memberships Expected HERE! Congrats to the team who won $5,462.50 in November!!
12/11/2007 9:36:01 AM
I'm excited! It sounds like a good opportunity, I'm definately going to check it out.
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: METEORIC RISE in Memberships Expected HERE! Congrats to the team who won $5,462.50 in November!!
12/11/2007 9:39:05 AM

More about the discount shopping get membership to this when you join Lotto Magic.  This month they are having 2 contests, for a $100 gift certificate to online jewelry store, and the other contest is for a 42-inch HDTV to be given away on Dec. 23rd. 

You still have time to enter those, if you join Lotto Magic this week, you'll receive your welcome pack usually within 5 to 7 days, and then you can gain access to the discount shopping site.  You need to register online for the contest for the TV by midnight Dec. 22nd. 

The discount shopping site offers gift cards for 70 different nationwide restaurants, and also for dozens of nationwide retailers.  I just ordered gift cards with free shipping for my relatives so they can get gifts from Old Navy, Barnes & Noble, and Target. 

I'm also ordering an assortment of high quality meat products from Omaha Steaks for a surprise for my husband at more than 50% off the regular price, delivered right to our house in time for Christmas.

Membership in Lotto Magic offers you so much, you can save money and time with online shopping for almost everything you need, and many products you'd like to try if you had a discount, now you's the time to join!!


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: METEORIC RISE in Memberships Expected HERE! Congrats to the team who won $5,462.50 in November!!
12/11/2007 9:45:05 AM

Hi Carl!

I was writing my post at the same time you were posting!  I sure hope you WILL join, Lotto Magic has Mike Caruana making big changes to the company, he was formerly the vice president of a company that trained people in more than 600 different MLMs.  The owner of Lotto Magic, Richard Moore, is still at the helm, and still as honest as ever.  The only change they HAD to make is that people can no longer use a credit card for the monthly membership, it needs to be paid by checking account, automatic debit (or money order if people remember to pay on time every month).  I hope that's not a problem for you or anyone else who's planning to join. 

The other changes about the commission plan and higher lottery winnings are changes they WANTED to make, for all of us!

Thanks for maintaining your interest in Lotto Magic!  12 years of reliability!!


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Nick Sym

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Re: METEORIC RISE in Memberships Expected HERE! Congrats to the team who won $5,462.50 in November!!
12/12/2007 1:30:56 AM
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