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Identity Theft Shield backed bt attorneys
12/10/2007 11:09:19 PM
The Identity Theft Shield really works and is backed by attorneys. Here's what some satisfied customers had to say: "I called for your services, you answered promptly - answered my questions correctly. I thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do." David Jones Alabama "As you know, before I received my information from Kroll, (a credit card company) sent new credit cards for an account I had requested be closed, to my old address. (The credit card company) called me December 29th to ask if I had been using the card because someone had been having a very good time with it at Wal-Mart. Someone had also been writing checks on the account, I later found out. But…on to my Kroll story. I called PPL’s Customer Care and was given a number for Kroll. I called and spoke to Jeremy. He was Super! We didn’t open a file on my case because the person using my card had already been arrested. Jeremy was very surprised that someone was already in custody. He advised me of my responsibility to (the credit card company) - which is none. He gave me a number to call and place a fraud alert with each credit repository. And he told me if I had any trouble with (the credit card company) to let him know and he would take care of it. Later I did receive a threatening letter from (the credit card company) stating if I didn’t complete and return the forms they had enclosed that they would reverse the charges. Well…I knew my rights thanks to Kroll and Pre-Paid Legal so I threatened them right back- with legal action. You know what… this account that had almost $4,000 in fraudulent charges- now has a zero balance." Angela Wood Oklahoma
Brenda Zimmerman

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Re: Identity Theft Shield backed bt attorneys
6/22/2008 11:24:33 PM
Hey Adlanders,

A lot of people are reading about Identity Theft and are seeing a few different Identity Theft Protection plans out there and one of them hit the news media about this guy advertising this program showing his social security and his identity I think got stolen and his program did not even help him prevent it.  Ironic isn't it? I have been a member with Pre-Paid Legal Services and an Associate since 2001 and I thank God that I have this Identity Theft Legal Shield membership.  They monitor my three in one bureau credit on a month to month basis.  I have the Gold plan and last March I got an alert that someone in New York City attempted to use a credit card that was in my name to purchase  clothes (I have not been to NYC since the 1980's) and although I do not have a credit card myself due to bad credit. I wondered how did these thieves do this. I can only assume that someone used my name and ssn to get it, how that happened is beyond me but it did happen. Immediately the fraud investigator proceeded and put an alert on my credit file and along with the pre-paid legal family plan, my provider law firm wrote this company a letter saying I was a victim of identity theft and that account was not mine and the company wrote back to me saying that they have dismissed the charges and I did not have to pay that $545.00 on those charges that ended up in my credit report that wasn't mine.  Identity Theft happens to anybody and no one is immune from it. If it was not for my Identity Theft Shield membership, I will be fighting this for a long time. I got this matter resolved within a few weeks. My name was restored and it was removed from my credit report after 30 days. Whew!

I encourage anyone to check it out and sign up and get legal protection espeically
Identity Theft Sheild
