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Beryl Payton

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This will bring the babies home, I hope
12/9/2007 5:09:36 AM

Hi Everyone,

Well I finally got my wesite up and running.  I am now in the webhosting business. 

I started this in hopes of being able to make enough money to be able to stay home and care  for my little neices.

Take a look at it, then come back here please and let me know what you think.

It is at

    07-71.gif picture by jeana900




This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams
Judy Smith

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Re: This will bring the babies home, I hope
12/9/2007 8:39:23 AM

Hello, my friend!!

I have been missing from Adland for a few days!!  Sorry I have been out of touch, but I did find a moment to view your website.  I am so impressed at the beautiful job you have done with it. 

You are well on your way to achieving your goal!!  It is so mice to be back among true friend.

Blessings to you and wishes for mucho success with your website and your goals!! 

Hugs and blessings,


Deb Kwek

161 Posts
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Re: This will bring the babies home, I hope
12/9/2007 9:24:03 AM
Hi Beryl nice website good luck!

Beryl Payton

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Re: This will bring the babies home, I hope
12/9/2007 10:33:49 AM

Hello Judy,

It is so great to see you are finally back.  I have missed you so much, my friend.

Went through a little bit of depression during the Thanksgiving Holiday's with not being able to make it home.

Thank you for the compliments on my very first website.  I also had to set up my servers for the hosting business.  Now I am just waiting patiently for more clients. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Years, my friend.

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This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams
Beryl Payton

2592 Posts
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Re: This will bring the babies home, I hope
12/9/2007 10:38:05 AM

Hi Deb,

Thank you for taking a look at it and for the warm and kind words.  Good luck with your business also.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

    07-61.gif picture by jeana900



This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams