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Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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So - You want to be a Leader eh!
12/2/2007 7:15:54 PM
From The Ordinary Person a Leader is MADE!

It may be a surprise to you, but leaders are made out of ordinary people. No-one is born a leader, but anyone can pay the price to become one!

The better you become at organizing others into ACTION, all working towards a common goal or end result, the more leadership skills you need to develop.

To get Website hits is one thing, but to develop and maintain a team is quite another!

You may become successful at driving traffic to your offers, sign up a ton of people (make good short term money too) only to find in a years time no-one is doing anything. Your team is not growing. Why?

Because you have not taken the time to learn leadership skills.

Everyone is different.

Opinions, values, beliefs, our cultural social conditioning, work habits, dreams and goals, are ALL different.

What motivates one person may actually "de-motivate" another!

Online we have to become experts at driving traffic to our offers. That is our first task and function.  But, the most important for long term stability and growth comes from learning how to understand and motivate others. Even if your team consists of only ONE other person.... that one person is your team!

I have learned one very important thing.

That is......  "What is Right" - not "Who is Right". People make mistakes..... so what!

What matters is what needs to be done.... not who made the blunder or who did it best. Keep everyone focused on the common objectives. Learn from mistakes, but more than that, make sure everyone sees the lesson not the boo boo, and get moving forward!

Establish Team Values and Goals. Decide what actions are necessary and lead others into action. Help them stay focused on the positive actions necessary. Never compare yourself to others, nor compare each other to each other.

Encourage each team member to only compare their own actions today against their own actions yesterday. Help them realize that they are not in a competition with others on the team, rather they are in a competition with themselves.

If all team members just focused on making their own actions even 2% better every week, the compounded result would be a team of progressive, action oriented individuals making things happen.

Focus everyone on one thing..... "making themselves a more productive person".

To become a leader

a) Your first task is to look in the mirror. Set high standards and work ethics for yourself and firmly yet lovingly "choose" to make yourself better..... every day!

b)Next, think of each team member by him or herself... help them see area's they can already do effectively and have them do more. Then nudge them into learning things that will increase their self worth, effective actions and thus their productivity!

c) Set high standards for each individual team member to reach for. Individually!!!

d) By example, make it a TEAM effort in the pursuit of excellence! Show gratitude for progress and do not allow anyone to knock the wind out of the sails of their team mates.

All this requires people skills. Read and study tips on selling, psychology, behavior modification and character analysis.

Make your own life one of constant and never ending learning!     

- Truly -

"There is never an end to learning, only new beginnings."

To this cause "I dedicate myself."

I am now ready to begin!

Will you come with me?

Love Light and Laughter
Neil Sperling


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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: So - You want to be a Leader eh!
12/2/2007 8:08:17 PM

Hi Neil,

This has been my biggest problem with team building.  I often say to my  upline that I may be recruiting people but what good does it do if they just ignore all the ideas I give them.

I would rather have one person working and accomplishing somthing than 100 names on my list.  I think Henry Ford said something like that too.

Now for the results.  Weeks and  weeks of encouraging and it is now paying off.  My downline is beginning to ask questions and starting to work.  I could have quit after sending my welcome letter where I asked what they wanted from  No one answered and I could have just said the heck with trying to work with them.

My lesson was learned:  Don't stop believing in others, patience will pay off, never quit trying and know you can't lead a horse to water and make him drink.   The offers to  help them seemed to be sent into cyber space BUT it is finally paying off .

Thomas Richmond

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Re: So - You want to be a Leader eh!
12/2/2007 8:51:42 PM
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Re: So - You want to be a Leader eh!
12/2/2007 8:56:10 PM

Hello Neil!

Wonderful article but let me to disagree with you that everyone can become the leaders. Can you just imagine that we all live only around the leaders…?


We all can dream and try our best to become one but a lot of qualities we need to be born with such as: do not afraid take a risk, to accept the failure as a part of business, never have a doubts, believe in ourselves and know that we all SPECIAL. It ‘s why statistically 97% people are failure and only small group of people the WINNERS.


I wish to everybody in AdlandPro to become the leaders, to encourage, support and help to each others because the winners it’s a team work, so let’s to became ONE STRONG TEAM.


To everybody’s success,

A chocolate and life lover

Taisa Brosilovsky


The difference in Success or Failure is not how we Look, not how we dress, not even how we’re educated. It’s how we Think!
Nick Sym

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Re: So - You want to be a Leader eh!
12/3/2007 3:24:20 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works