
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Our friend Joyce has a message for us...and I'd also like to ask a favor, with a reward!!
11/25/2007 6:32:01 PM

Joyce Hyde says she wants it!!

This week's POTW election:

While I'm asking members of Clickbank need to bring in 5 sales before they can get their first paycheck, that's a sale by credit card by 5 different people.  My son made 3 sales and now he needs 2 more by the end of this week.  The best thing we can recommend at the lowest cost is Secret Affiliate Weapon, it's only $9.97 and has an 8-week money-back guarantee.  This was created by the internet's top affiliate for most of this decade, Ewen Chia.  He's a very down to earth person who explains everything step by step.

I'm sure you'd like something in return!  I'll post a 5-line ad here at my forum for you every day this week and notify all members when I post it.  Thanks! You can even send me a different ad each day, send it to me by personal message.  I hope at least 2 of you join Secret Affiliate Weapon and then send me your ad!

If you haven't invited Jayson VanBeekom to your friends list yet, here's his link.  Jayson also has a forum where you can post ads, jokes, or just say HI!


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Re: Our friend Joyce has a message for us...and I'd also like to ask a favor, with a reward!!
11/25/2007 6:41:07 PM

Good luck, Joyce!  The title of your forum thread made me go and search for this.  I'd like to also congratulate Beryl on her week as POTW.  My sister had this poem on a big poster on our bedroom wall for a long time, that's why Joyce's headline jogged my brain about Langston Hughes.

Dream Variations
  To fling my arms wide
In some place of the sun,
To whirl and to dance
Till the white day is done.
Then rest at cool evening
Beneath a tall tree
While night comes on gently,
Dark like me-
That is my dream!

To fling my arms wide
In the face of the sun,
Dance! Whirl! Whirl!
Till the quick day is done.
Rest at pale evening...
A tall, slim tree...
Night coming tenderly
Black like me.

Langston Hughes

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Steven Suchar

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Re: Our friend Joyce has a message for us...and I'd also like to ask a favor, with a reward!!
11/25/2007 8:49:51 PM
Thank You Kathleen :)

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Check out this story and let me know what you think
11/26/2007 2:09:36 PM
Hi fellow Marketers This is my story how I make Money with Bloggs. First I setup a blog at and added some content to my home Page.Next I set about putting some ads on my site these are called pay per click Ads where if someone clicks on one of my ads I get paied just for advertising On my site.How much you get paied will varie but on adverage it`s about 20 to 50 is easy to setup and you can ad banners or affiliate programs to your home page and change the content as you like. Now that you have setup your site the way you like it`s time to start getting traffic to your site.Google adwords is one place you can do this if you have a budget to bid on keywords related to your site.Also you can use safelist to advertise your site and this works quite well to get traffic to your site.FFA Advertising (free for all) is a great way to point traffic to your site free. Search engine advertising is another way to get traffic to your site and works quit well to drive traffic your way. Writing articles is a great way to get free traffic to your site and get listed in search engines some of the article I have written have been listed on Google within 3 hours from when I sumited them through press realeses an amazing way to advertise.Now you know a little bit about how to make money with blogs. To find out more information just visit my blog There are lots of ideas on how to make money with blogs.Like how to send 70 million targeted emails per month Free. Regards Robert Brereton
Robert Le Gay Brereton This is the opportunity of a lifetime watch the free video below
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Re: Check out this story and let me know what you think
11/26/2007 5:11:15 PM

Hi Robert,

Did you vote in this week's POTW election yet?  The link is in the first post up there.   Please don't reply to other peoples posts with your ads, start a new thread for your ad.  Thanks, in future...I might just delete!

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