
The 3 Loves of My Life!
11/19/2007 9:05:46 AM

The 3 Loves of My Life!
God, My Family, My Friends

On the Internet  it is GBG... CMU7 and Whole Foods Pharmacy

My name is Patricia and I havebeen networking for many years.. I just about gave it all up until someone shared GBG with me.

Do not be confused we are not another juice.. We are sooooooooo Much More!

We have a copywritten Pay Point Comp Plan never heard off

We have a product that not only is the best I have ever used but taste great too.

And then we have the best price..we are below wholesale $19.95

This Company is for it members.. Have you ever heard a company pay out 5o%

on its 10th level..we do

I am building a team  if interested and want to order and join
For My personal message:
877-424-5691  ext 708


CMU7.. I love it

A Great community that has a Matrix where you can even make money being a FREE Member

What is so neat about this is that I thought I knew how to network market and build a buisness until I joined CMU7

They have an awsome Conference room you can go to daily and get help or ideas on building your buisness.

Everyone helps each other.. Great Support and making and building Friendships

Please will Love it


Whole Food Farmacy ! Free to join !

Whole Foods Pharmacy

This is a very good Home Buisness..  They have some neat and really good products. There is something for everyone.

Finally products that are whole foods..not just empty carbs or empty calories

Food that your bodys uses and needs daily.. You Can Join This Free!

"Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food"
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-377 B.C.)

The Wholefood Farmacy opened its doors in March 2003 with a Mission to Educate and Inspire people to embrace the “Seven Principles of Health” which are the foundation
of a preventative based lifestyle.

The Seven Principles of Health

1. Fresh Air & Sunshine

2. Water

3. Whole Foods

4. Physical Activity

5. Loving Relationships

6. Passion

7. A Good Night’s Sleep

The Wholefood Farmacy offers healthy, convenient whole food based meals & snacks, non-toxic personal care items, and a website dedicated to "self-care" and a preventative based lifestyle.

"We have seen the future of medicine and
the future is food" Dr. Mitch Gaynor
New York Strang Center For Cancer Prevention

Thanks for reading


** Please put "Remove" in sunject and reply if Not interested

Nothing EVER Like this BEFORE!..A Garden That Pays YOU!Pre-Register FREE..We Launch in JanuaryNo other Opportunity Competes or Compares to this =============Get Listed at my Online Directory
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