
Rob Bell

38 Posts
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What could YOU do with an extra $40,000 a month?
11/14/2007 11:24:53 PM
Imagine it now - You have $40,000 each month BEFORE you've even done any work! What would you do?

Buy Amazing gifts for Your Family at Christmas?
Get the kids everything they want, treat your partner to the extravagances you could never previously afford.

Have more Holidays?
Visit new and Exotic Locations, sun kissed and dreamy?

Buy a new Car? 2 new Cars? Your all-time favourite Car?
Can you smell the new car smell already? Feel the fabric? See the rev counter fly up as you unleash the roar of the engine?

Buy a new House? A Mansion? A CASTLE?
Imagine sitting on your sofa watching your 80in HD FlatScreen with your beau cuddled up next to you, while your personal chef prepares your dinner.

Spend More time with Your Family?
Never miss birthdays, anniversaries or other important moments through work. Be there for those you care about.

Help Others?
Give to Charity, Start Your Own Foundation, Help those Less Fortunate.

Pay off your Debts?
No more mortgage, no more Loans, No more feeling overburdened by your debts that life so far has generated.

Live the Life of your Dreams?
Have the things YOU want in your Life, instead of struggling every day to make someone else money.

You can do ALL these things - but first you have to get to the magic $40,000 a month figure.


It's easy - All you have to do is show 2 people each month how to do one simple thing. How do YOU know what to do? We'll show you EXACTLY what you need to do, and I'll personally assist you every step of the way.

Our curriculum has been designed with one thing in mind - to teach you the right kind of knowledge that will raise the level of success in every area of your life.

We firmly believe that knowledge alone won't make you wealthy... We go to school for 12 to 20 years of our lives but are simply never taught the right kind  of knowledge to be successful in life. In today's world, you need to THINK in a different way to achieve real success.

We have assembled over 60 of the most amazing minds on the planet  who collectively have helped millions of people achieve astounding levels of success. Names like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Jay Abraham, Lisa Jimenez and Dr Tony Allesandra   

If you don't have time to study... hours and hours to read a good book on success... you're in luck! In just 10 to 15 minutes a day, you can achieve mastery in all the most important success areas by registering for these achievement courses. Each day, Monday through Friday, you'll receive a new and exciting short lesson that will catapult your level of success in many different areas of your life.



People are sick and tired  of having to spend $300, $600, $1,000 or more just to see if they're going to like the program and have success with it...

The reason we're breaking records every month is because we have completely shifted the existing (and broken) model of network marketing where companies feel like they need to get as much money from you as quickly as possible.

Listen to this: I don't care about your money!

Don't get me wrong... I'm as money motivated as anyone, but I could really care less about you giving me your $150 (or whatever the amount is) one-time and then having you feel like you were misled and then have you quit.

Here's my philosophy...

Keep Your Hard-Earned Money and simply take a FREE 14-Day Test Drive!

The reason I don't want you to have to spend a bunch of money up front is the simple fact that I know that once you get a taste for the curriculum and business opportunity offered at Success University, you will want to remain a student!

Because of this breakthrough concept, people from all over the world are flocking to Success University.

In fact, we've enrolled over 65,000 students in 178 countries and have created a volcanic eruption of activity on the Internet...and we haven't even hit mass adoption yet. If you get in now, you're positioned to be part of explosive growth.

In addition to the complete online curriculum, you'll receive our monthly Empowerment series mailed to your home or office.  Each month, you will receive a new and empowering CD and DVD from one of our inspirational faculty members. Included in each Empowerment Series is a printed copy of our monthly newsletter, the Success Express. The Success Express is filled with empowering articles designed to continually boost your personal success each and every month.



And Why This May Be The Best Home Business Opportunity In The Past 50 Years - Maybe Ever!

1. Success University became the #1 most popular online personal development company in the world in only 9 months.

Because of our unique "Learn & Earn" opportunity, tens of thousands of excited people from around the world have created an avalanche of traffic allowing Success University to become the most dominant online player in a 64 billion dollar a year marketplace.

2. Success University has enrolled approximately 65,000 students in 178 countries around the world in our first two and a half years.

Unlike most other business opportunities that require a lot of capital to get started, Success University makes it affordable for anyone in the world to enrol. With NO requirements to purchase inventory or to stockpile products, our global opportunity has spread like wildfire around the world.

3. In only two and a half years, Success University has become one of the top 10 most popular Network Marketing companies on the Internet.

Success University has grown so fast and has created so many success stories that we have passed up the traffic rankings of companies that have been in business for decades.



When you enrol in Success University, you'll get a free website and you'll be able to instantly use our training system to start advertising it all over the world.

Because it's so incredibly easy and affordable to join, our conversion rates are through the roof!

Some students have seen as high as 1 out of every 5 visitors to their website enrol!

Not only do you earn commissions from the people you enrol like a typical affiliate program... we have created the most unique "super affiliate" program on the internet where you can earn income from the entire student organization you create!

Many of our students have only enrolled a handful of other students. But those students have enrolled others... who have enrolled others... who have enrolled others... and that has spread to thousands of students.

We'll train you on all the ins and outs of the compensation plan when you enrol, but here's what you'll want to know now...

Success University  is EXPLODING around the world right now as you're reading this letter. Up to 500 people a day (and climbing) are jumping on board...

When you enrol and secure your position in our compensation plan, the computer places you on one of only 2 teams in a straight line. As other people enrol after you, they get placed below you - and count towards credit for your commissions.

If you act now and enrol, you'll be positioned above the people who enrol later. If you hesitate for even a few minutes, those people will pass you up and you will count as credit towards their commissions!

And when you join me in Success University, you will have immediate access to your own private "back office" learning center. This learning center is the most advanced, cutting edge, online learning environment ever released on the Internet. You'll have complete access to literally thousands of dollars worth of the entire Success University vault of education, including $848 of free, immediately downloadable BONUS Courses.

The best part is:

Instead of charging you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get started, today I'm giving you the opportunity to

Enrol For FREE - On a 14-Day FREE Trial Basis!

That way, I get to prove to you that this works and that your monthly tuition is worth every penny and more.

All that is required to get started - as a sign of good faith - is a $2 donation to the "Feed The Children" fund.

100% of the proceeds are being donated to "Feed The Children". Your small $2 investment in yourself will help feed a hungry child for a full week.

You will instantly have access to $1,949.94 worth of powerful success products for FREE. And you will gain immediate access to your own automated and personalized website along with our Turnkey Marketing System... that enables you to start enrolling new students immediately.

So don't delay... Enrol NOW... And remember, if you're not totally satisfied after you enrol, simply let us know.


WAIT! How does a guaranteed $1000 a week sound?

IRON CLAD $50,000 in 12 months GUARANTEE

That's right - a $50,000 a Year Income Guarantee! Can anyone else GUARANTEE you an income, or do they all have disclaimers about the earnings they promise?

As a Success University affiliate, you have at your disposal the best marketing tools around. Tools that undoubtedly offer you the adrenalin-charged potential of generating upwards of $40,000 a month in RESIDUAL INCOME.

Obviously, not everyone is ready to max the current system out to reach the apex of their potential. Many people are thrilled with an extra $2,000 or $5,000 a month.

However, we believe, as I’m sure you do, that there’s always room for improvement.

So we've JUST introduced EMPOWER magazine.

In our research, we discovered other companies in the network marketing industry were triggering EXPLOSIVE GROWTH through the use of 3rd party magazines – as lead-generation tool.

These were professional magazines done in newsstand quality that have even been sold in bookstores.

These magazines didn’t merely offer ad space to present the opportunity of a company - No, their articles and stories were all about the company, explaining how the company started, its mission, its products and services, and how the home business opportunity of this company works.

The lush, full color, world-class writing and presentation of these magazines make the company come alive to the reader, and virtually sells him or her on joining the featured company in that particular issue. These magazines bring instant credibility to your business.

There’s absolutely nothing to lose. Go ahead, test out and use these magazines to expand your business for one full year. Our guarantee covers your success and guarantees that you’ll be earning a $50,000 a year income at the end of one year.
(That’s $1,000 a Week!)

Here's how it works:

Simply get on the 50 magazines a month auto-ship plan and stay with it for a year. Just hand out all 50 magazines each month, put your prospects contact information in your back office (name, phone number and email) and follow up with each person. Fill out the guarantee agreement in your back office and you're set. If you’re not earning at least $50,000 per year in income after 12 months, then let us know and we’ll gladly refund your entire investment spent on the magazines.

So there’s absolutely no risk, none – to you!

And that's just for handing out magazines. We'll also teach you the best methods known to build your business, both online and offline.

This really is an incredible opportunity, that has made MASSIVE improvements to my own life in a brief time. And I'm giving YOU the chance to experience it for nothing, nada, zilch, zero - for free!

Don't miss out. Enrol today, and start to see the enormous benefits to YOUR life that SU can bring.


Your friend,


Rob Bell BSc(Hons), DipM, Chartered Marketer
Marketing Specialist for over 15 years.
Rob Bell, Chartered Marketer & Internet Specialist
What will you do with an extra $40,000?
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