
Job Offer
11/14/2007 4:54:20 PM
Work at home !
Earn up to $35,000-$55,000/yr working Part-Time!
FREE Leads, FREE Long Distance, 24/7 Support Staff!
NO Kits, NO Investments, NO MLM!
100% Internet Positions available!
Go to

and click on “Careers“
Please type in Secured Access Code: BrigitteS1505

You can register for free and have 7 days to read and get access into others areas of the site,I am in referral rewards only where I email other job applicants,but you can work with the other options in combination (one option is calling others),we have marketing tools,a community board full of advice and information and a whole lot of associates wanting to help you succeed.Procard gives you free leads once you activate to get you started,and I as your sponsor will send you 50 free leads on your one anniversary with Procardinternational.

Check it out.


B Sands

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