
David Galich

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Wild FIRE -- DWD Network Online FREE Viral Ebook!
11/13/2007 1:16:23 PM
I know that for me when something is hot I tend to recognize it more in life.  I am one of those people that see the world not in terms of black and white but in terms of color.  I love to see the things in life that make it beautiful.  That is what keeps me coming back for more.  I know that many people tend to think that getting exposure is bad...I always heard any exposure is good exposure.  I know that with this technique that I am working on for marketing I can get all the exposure that I need.

I call this wild fire marketing...I don't know if that term has been coined before but I am going to use it.  I came to this idea through an email that asked me to use my contacts to build a list that would make me money.  I didn't follow through although I want to take that same idea and put a spin on it.

I have joined with the Online Business Alliance and have been with them for sometime now and am looking forward to building a future with that company.  I have been actively promoting the site and found that if I put together a simple ebook I can possibly make even more sales and referrals.  I did just that.

Now on to the meat of the matter.  I have designed a viral ebook (that will spread like wild fire) to distribute to my contacts.  I know that with them promoting the site I can start to see my downline grow.  It is our job as sponsors to help our downline build their business.  I know that I have always taken an active role because I never had anyone there for me.  Plus I love to help people learn.  That is my job to take that huge learning curve and make it smaller.

This is just part of the learning curve when I put into effect the second part of the Wild Fire marketing scheme it will be sure to jump start anyones learning abilities.  Now that I have laid some ground work for my plan of action.  Is it time to follow it through?  YES!

Now first things first if you want in on this and think that it is going to be huge be sure to get your copy of my FREE ebook package @

Then once you have the ebook be sure to read the readme file about how to put into motion your own Wild Fire Campaign.  First by having the tools that the ebook package gives you, second by signing up with the Online Business Alliance for just five dollars.  (Plus if you want to lease adspaces to make even more'll find out more from the OBA once you get the five dollar package.)  Lastly taking the whole re--branded package and promoting it like it did through various mediums.

Be sure to get your re--brandable package @
and set the net on FIRE!

David J. Galich
Get your hands on a five dollar business that will have you pulling in passive income for years! Get your Five Dollar Franchise Dave Galich DWDnet.2011'
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