
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RELIABLE FULL-TIME INCOME...from a Part-Time Homebased Business...MONTH after MONTH:::
11/5/2007 3:15:59 PM

Don't say it can't be done...I brought in 14 Team Captains and 1 Team Player in less than 3 weeks in January when I first joined Lotto Magic.  I'm not a magician, I just gave people the information that Lotto Magic has been in business worldwide for 12 years without ever having any complaints, and I asked the people who saw my ads to look at every page of the website.

Here's how much you could earn if you brought in just 1 Team Captain every week, 4 per month...
and those Team Captains also just brought in just 1 Team Captain every week, 4 per would earn $25 every month from each of them, plus $1 every month for everyone on your second level (Plus $7 monthly that Lotto Magic pays you for being a Team Captain, minus your $50 monthly membership fee)

1st Month:  Sign up 4 Team Captains each bringing you $25 commission = $100 minus $50 for your monthly fee = $50 plus $7 you get every month from being a Team Captain = 1st month's commission check for $57.

2nd Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $100 from your first months' sign-ups = $200 - $50 = $150 + $7 = $157 plus if your 4 TC's from your first month each bring in 4, that equals $16 for your second level = 2nd month's commission check for $173.

3rd Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $200 from the past 2 months' sign-ups = $300 - $50 = $250 + $7 = $257 plus if your 8 TC's from your first 2 months each bring in 4 more, that equals $32 more, plus the $16 carried over from last month's 2nd level = 3rd month's commission check for $305.

4th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $300 from the past 3 months' sign-ups = $400 - $50 = $350 + $7 = $357 plus if your 12 TC's from your first 3 months each bring in 4, that equals $48 more = $405 plus the $48 carried over from the past 2 month's 2nd level = 4th month's commission check for $453.

5th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $400 from the past 4 months'sign-ups = $500 - $50 = $450 + $7 = $457 plus if your 16 TC's from your first 4 months each bring in 4, that equals $64 more = $521 plus the $96 carried over from the past 3 month's 2nd level = 5th month's commission check for $617.

6th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $500 from the past 5 months' sign-ups = $600 - $50 = $550 + $7 = $557 plus if your 20 TC's from your first 5 months each bring in 4, that equals $80 more = $637 plus the $160 carried over from the past 4 month's 2nd level = 6th month's commission check for $797.

7th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $600 from the past 6 months' sign-ups = $700 - $50 = $650 + $7 = $657 plus if your 24 TC's from your first 6 months each bring in 4, that equals $96 more = $753 plus the $240 carried over from the past 5 month's 2nd level = 7th month's commission check for $993.

8th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $700 from the past 7 months' sign-ups = $800 - $50 = $750 + $7 = $757 plus if your 28 TC's from your first 7 months each bring in 4, that equals $112 more = $869 plus the $336 carried over from the past 6 month's 2nd level = 8th month's commission check for $1,205.

9th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $800 from the past 8 months' sign-ups = $900 - $50 = $850 + $7 = $857 plus if your 32 TC's from your first 8 months each bring in 4, that equals $128 more = $985 plus the $448 carried over from the past 7 month's 2nd level = 9th month's commission check for $1,433.

10th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $900 from the past 9 months' sign-ups = $1,000 - $50 = $950 + $7 = $957 plus if your 36 TC's from your first 9 months each bring in 4, that equals $144 more = $1,101 plus the $576 carried over from the past 8 month's 2nd level = 10th month's commission check for $1,677.

11th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $1,000 from the past 10 months' sign-ups = $1,100 - $50 = $1,050 + $7 = $1,057 plus if your 40 TC's from your first 10 months each bring in 4, that equals $160 more = $1,161 plus the $720 carried over from the past 9 month's 2nd level = 11th month's commission check for $1,881.

12th Month:  4 more Team Captains = $100 + $1,100 from the past 11 months' sign-ups = $1,200 - $50 = $1,150 + $7 = $1,157 plus if your 44 TC's from your first 11 months each bring in 4, that equals $176 more = $1,333 plus the $880 carried over from the past 10 month's 2nd level = 12th month's commission check for $2,213.

All members get a site like this:

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: RELIABLE FULL-TIME INCOME...from a Part-Time Homebased Business...MONTH after MONTH:::
11/5/2007 3:22:11 PM

Here are actual amounts of paychecks that George S. received in his first 8 months with Lotto Magic.  George also won $500 in the 2005 recruiting contest for bringing in the most new members within 3 months , he's an elderly man in his 80's and did ALL his advertising by direct mail, sending out just 120 pieces of mail per MONTH, that's just 30 per week, 5 per day. 

He joined in March 2004.

His first paycheck for May 2004: $154.35

June 2004: $346.10

JUly 2004: $580.20

August 2004: $691.20

September 2004: $926.44

October 2004:  $$1,238.56

November 2004: $1,582.04

December 2004: $1,630.95

I also want to mention the winner of the 2006 recruiting contest, Richard K.  He joined in early 2005 and his 10 paychecks for that year totalled $10,995.50  He earned $7,893.25 for the first 7 months of 2006 plus $1,000 for winning the recruiting contest last year.

If you haven't taken a good long look at Lotto Magic yet, visit the site and read all the details, call for the FREE booklet or just join online today!  Lots of people are doing great with this, without even using internet advertising, George only sent out 30 pieces of mail per week, that's just a little more than $10 worth of postage stamps weekly, and flattened the competition!

George earned over $25,000 in the year 2005. 

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: RELIABLE FULL-TIME INCOME...from a Part-Time Homebased Business...MONTH after MONTH:::
11/5/2007 3:26:16 PM

These are the actual amounts of paychecks received by 67-year-old Alice P. from Ohio.  How do I get these paycheck amounts?  Other members of Lotto Magic mail them to me!  Alice and George and other people who are doing really well make copies of their checks and mail them out and also let their downlines mail them out !  Read the end of this post for my message to you.

Alice joined Lotto Magic in April 2005. 

Her first paycheck in May 2005: $31.25

June 2005: $52.90

July 2005: $128.45

August 2005: $349.50

September 2005: $541.40

October 2005: $1,016.45

November 2005: $1,232.70

December 2005: $1,627.00

January 2006: $1,866.60

February 2006: $1,787.50

March 2006: $2,239.55

April 2006: $2,414.40

May 2006: $2,283.95

June 2006: $2,464.75

July 2006: $2,895.90

August 2006: $3,289.40

September 2006: $4,011.70

October 2006: $4,480.70

November 2006: $4,473.30

December 2006: $5,492.40

You'll notice that both Alice and George surpassed $1,000 by their 6th month.  Neither of them used the internet, they only advertised by mail.  Imagine what YOU can do WITH internet advertising, and mail if you wanted to do both!  I earned $238 in my first few weeks, most of it by internet advertising.  Why haven't YOU joined yet?  Obviously internet users are very eager to join Lotto Magic.  When you join you'll get a site just like this:


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: RELIABLE FULL-TIME INCOME...from a Part-Time Homebased Business...MONTH after MONTH:::
11/5/2007 4:04:11 PM

Alice earned over $37,700 with Lotto Magic in the year 2006. 

Her projected income for 2007 could be over $65,000.

Join me as a Team Captain and you can start earning a fantastic monthly recurring income on 2 levels!

See all the marketing tools here:


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Nick Sym

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Re: RELIABLE FULL-TIME INCOME...from a Part-Time Homebased Business...MONTH after MONTH:::
11/8/2007 12:14:04 AM

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
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