
New Opportunity for you Earn Income for Life
11/5/2007 9:45:06 AM

Question about Global Domanis International

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Global Domains International-GDI

Note that this is just a basic tutorial, for you to have a clearer idea about GDI and what it offers. There are various ways by which GDI can help you!!

GDI hosts all websites ending in WS. Its main target is to become more popular than the .com company. More information is found in this mini tutorial.

How to become a member.

Step 1: Watch the presentation at at (replace name&surname with your own, for example )

Step 2: Click 'Sign in' when the presentation ends.

Step 3: Fill in your details (name, surname, postal address where the cheque will be sent, VISA/Master card/American Express/Diner Club International details, a valid e-mail address where they will they you important information, a username [Important as you will need your username in order to let other persons become members and earn money from them—see step 5 and 7 below (URLs and login)], a password and the country etc)

Step 4: You will have 7 days free during which you can build your website, earn money and use the full system. You can also cancel without being charged a cent as the $10 will be taken from your VISA after those 7 days. However, you can always cancel anytime if you decide to, even while being a member. Note that this is a100% safe & legal system!

Step 5: Once you sign in, you can log on to the system by going to Always have to log in from here. Then enter your username and password and click the Log in button.

Step 6: You are now in your member's page. From here you can:

View the top members earning weekly bonuses (Leaderboards).

Order stuff such as DVDs, posters, business cards etc. There's no need to buy them, but if you want you can. (Order Goodies)

View your down-line (Down-line) (the people that become members because you told them, view your up-lines (Up-line)(the previous 5 persons above you in this system, to whom you can refer to if you have any problem),

Invite other persons (Invite), but I suggest that you don't use this feature as the e-mails will not be personalized.

Add banners in your web-site (Banners). I strongly suggest you to use this feature. When you place a banner on your web-site and other persons who visit the site click on the banner, they will be taken to the presentation and they will sign in via your URL (coded in the banner ready for you). Ask me to assist you if you need help.

Know how many persons have visited one of your URLs - (Hit logs).

View the commission that you have earned for the current month. Note that when new sign ups are still in their 7 day trial period, their $1 is not shown until those 7 days pass (Commission).

Meet other International members and exchange ideas with them, introduce yourself, learn and understand more the GDI system (GDI Forum).

Build your web-site (Domains). I suggest that you spend some time here trying to view and read about all the options available. Building your web-site is very easy. All you have to do is to choose the template (design) that you want to give to your site and then add some text, pictures, banners, etc. If you are good at HTML, you can also use your skills together with Java and other features. You can also link this web-site to any other web-site that you have. Here you can also view the traffic that you are getting to your site. Ask me for more help.

Set up your free 10 e-mail addresses (E-mail). You can also forward e-mails to any other e-mail address that you have.

Change your account information and password, your commission preference by setting the minimum amount of the cheques to be sent to you (Account Info and the other preferences).

Listen to the WS radio at various sites, such as and on e-bay etc as shown on the right.

Remember that this is a 100% safe & legal system. Always keep cash in the VISA as if they will not find any when you are due to pay, you will be suspended and can eventually be stopped and loose all the commission you are earning from your down-line.

Using your URLs

Step 7: Once you sign in, you will receive an e-mail welcoming you to GDI and another e-mail with very important information. This e-mail will contain your URLs (links with your username as mentioned in step 3) that you will give to the persons interested in becoming a member and having their own website in GDI. When they sign in via your URL, you will earn ($1) from each of them and from the persons they find during their life-time! You will be given any URL-feel free to use any one you like. The different URLs are: Replace chrisgon with your username. For example if your username is money, then this URL should be and when interested persons sign in via this URL, they will be placed under you and you will earn money from them. When someone is watching the presentation via this link, the GDI system will send you an e-mail informing you who is watching the presentation at that time! This gives you the opportunity to send an e-mail to that person and ask him/her if she needs any help or if there is anything he/she would like to ask. Replace chrisgon with your username. This link takes the interested person directly to the presentation with their name and surname displayed during the presentation. Choose this if you know the name and surname of the interested person. Replace chrisgon with your username. This takes you to another page including some general information about GDI. Replace chrisgon with your username. This gives more information about the GDI system, the company, World-wide testimonials. Note that the words are divided by an underscore (show_dvd). Replace chrisgon with your username. This link will take you directly to a DVD which you should also see. There is also some information and the GDI Income calculator. This is the direct link to the WS forum(same as the above GDI Forum). You can visit it now and give it a glance. Obviously you cannot log in as you need the username and password, given to you once you join. This is a new link where you can listen to the WS radio! It includes the latest updates and shows. On the 22nd of this month, there is going to be a show here! You can also visit this site before you join.

I suggest that you visit each of the above links in order to gain more knowledge about the GDI system. Also give these links to your down-lines (the persons you find).

Building Your Down-line

Although the number of direct people you are allowed to have is unlimited, it is better to start step by step. In my group we decided that the best action is to find 5 persons directly under you (persons who sign in directly via your URL). Then explain to them how the system works (as I'm doing with you). Once they sign in, they will be given their URLs, like the ones you have. They will use their URLs to sign in other persons (ideally 5 to start with as I previously said) and so on. The great thing is that you will still earn $1 from each direct person (referral) that you find and also from all the persons that your direct referrals find! So imagine that you find 5 persons in the first month, and then those 5 persons will find another 5 during the second level etc

M.. $5
M.. $25 (5*5)
M.. $125 (25*5)
M.. $625 (125*5)
M.. $3125 (625*5)

So the commission that you will get in the level 5 is of $3905 = EVERY MONTH FOR LIFE! And it's not all! This amount is earned only by having 5 direct persons. The GDI system allows you to have UNLIMITED direct persons! That's why the GDI system is called the Income For Life Opportunity. Remember that you are paid up to the 5th level(so, its better to increase the number of direct persons than the level number as you will not be paid for those found at level 6. I suggest that you prepare a plan for each potential person in order to give them a clear idea before they even begin finding persons). If you already checked the testimonials site, you saw how many people-including Maltese – are earning a lot of money from their home.

For those of you who want to become members by only telling people about the GDI in order to have only a website, you must only sign in those interested persons via Your Url and have more than 5 persons immediately as direct persons. But the reason of having direct persons and then they find others is to have other people do the job for you. All you have to do is to coach them as I said before by explaining the system to them and supporting them when they get stuck through e-mails, calls, sms, and meetings if you want etc

How To Find People

Technique I - E-mails

The simplest technique is by sending 5 e-mails a day for one month. This will total up to 150 e-mails a month. As I told you before, you only have to find 5 persons (at the beginning). All members manage to find the 5 persons during their first month or two. (I will give you some examples and hints on how you should write an e-mail + 1,000 free e-mail addresses!.)

Do you think you will find 5 persons from 150 or 300 e-mails during the first 2 months?? Yes you will! Even if it takes you more to find those 5 persons (rarely), it is still worth the time when you consider the amount you will be earning. I am willing to wait even 2 years, knowing that in 2 years time I will be earning that amount every month!

On the other hand, if you already know persons who are interested, you can tell them by meeting them and telling them face-to-face. They already know you so they trust you.

Remember that GDI does not tolerate SPAM (sending too many e-mails to persons you do not know). Who is reported for spamming, will be stopped for ever. If you know the persons you are sending the e-mails to, it is better. Else write down your full contact information when the recipient can contact you.

Technique II - Traffic Exchange Sites
These are techniques where you surf other websites and earn credits for doing so. Then these credits are exchanged to get visitors to your web-site. It's free. Try to make your web-site stand out from others in order to generate more traffic to it. If you need help building it, just ask me.

Technique III - Free Worldwide Classifieds
You can post free classifieds adverts online. Then interested persons will send you an e-mail and you will explain to them how the system works.

Technique IV - Forums and Chats

Post your Ad on different Forums and invite people to your own WS - Website tell them about GDI... Show them the Movie! Use also Chats and tell them how do you make Money with GDI, but don't SPAM them. If they don't want a WS Domain let it be to convince the Chatter/in .Who does not want that had!

Technique V - Local Advertising.
Adverts and posters on local magazines and newspapers. Check the cost. Try not to spend money. If you can advertise for free, its better. I will send you my poster for free to edit and use it. You can hang it at schools, clubs, events etc. You know more than me where are the best places to hand the poster in your country ?

Technique VI - Check my and my group's Website
When I find any good software, marketing tool and other free Income opportunities that I and my coach retain helpful, I will place it in my site.

Plus there are Bonuses to help you. One of those is that you are given $100(Lm33) when you sign in 5 persons in a week. So if you sign in 5 persons a week for a month, you will earn $400 + the normal commission! Please tell me if you think that you can make this, before you sign in other members!! Important!

I will give more information on the above techniques if interested.

Note that you will receive e-mails from GDI with hints, tips, news and any updates occurring at GDI.

Note that people can decide to join the GDI group only to have a web-site and stop there, without finding other persons. This can be done (but they will not receive a monthly cheque for life). So, emphasize this point mainly for people who need a web-site only(retail shops, freelancers, hobbies , teachers etc)

Much Succes

Chris Gonzales

yahoo id chrisg49464

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