
This isnt really a biz site ad, but it is interesting
10/30/2007 12:33:04 PM
I was going through my folders today, I saw this and I thought you may be interested.
TRUTH #1 => People will LIE to us
Here are actual examples of some e-mails I've seen within the past 2 weeks:
-- "Would You Like To Be Able To Quit Your Job In The Next 8 To 12 Months?"
-- Make over $50,000 from only $99! It requires no effort! It will not take any of your time. You do not need to sell anything or tell anyone!
-- Where your money grows 200% - MUCH faster than anywhere else!
Profit is $6,400 from $100!
I even saw one today that told me I could be making 2 million dollars a month for a $12.00 monthly fee. (twelve dollars?)
-- Question - Would you rather have $1,000 or a $1,000,000 - YOUR CHOICE! Play with the Big Boys! Talk with a real person! I will make sure you receive $1,000 in your first full week in this program! Change your financial future , TODAY !!
NOTE - Here's a quick way to tell whether we should take an ad or e-mail seriously: Ask ourselves - If this was as easy and financially rewarding as they're saying - why wouldn't 'everyone' be doing it?"
Have YOU ever fallen for one of those ads?
Want to shut them up - quickly? Ask them to FAX us 'documentation' for their claim - we'll never hear from them again!
How many of us buy 'lottery tickets'?
Many people will buy $10-20 or more in lottery tickets - week after week - month after month - for years! WHY?
Well - you just never know - this might be MY lucky day - I 'could' be rich overnight!
More 'reality' (as we know) - the chances of winning the lottery are about the same as getting hit by lightening - 2 times!
If we are 'serious' about a Home Business, are we thinking with our 'head' or our 'heart'?
And, even though we may 'think' we're serious about starting a Business - ARE we?
TRUTH #3 => TRAITS successful Home Biz entrepreneurs share:
1)-- They thoroughly EVALUATE a business before making a decision.
2)-- They schedule their TIME to be able to consistently build their business. They never treat it as a "when I have time to get around to it" thing. 
3)-- They don't start a business without a BUDGET. This isn't like the movie, "Field of Dreams" - If you build it, "nobody" will come if they don't "know" about it. 
4)-- They will invest SWEAT EQUITY in their business if they don't have a big budget. 
5)-- They will find a successful MENTOR in the same business and model their behavior. 
6)-- They are willing to invest a MINIMUM of 1 YEAR in building the 'foundation' of their business. 
7)-- They are NOT SHY. They have a DREAM. They are excited about their business and want the world to know. They become WARRIERS for their cause!
8)-- They are Willing to be COACHED + follow a proven SYSTEM (McDonald's has a System for running a hamburger business, right? Can you imagine where they would be, if all the McDonald's owners "did their own thing"?)
9)-- They don't take the lazy way out - they put in the ACTION
10)-- They have PERSEVERANCE - they fall down, but keep getting back up - they never, never, never, never QUIT!
It's amazing - people will say - "I don't want to talk to anbody I 'know'. The only thing I want to do is buy a 'list of leads' and send them Autoresponder messages. I'm not going to call them on the phone - if they ask for more information, maybe I'll email them, but that's it. They can go to my website and sign up if they are interested."
WOW! Do we really think this is how long-term successful Home Biz owners 'become' successful?
The fact is - some people should NEVER get into a Home Business -- period.  They're simply "not suited" for it. It's HARD WORK -- it takes TIME -- it requires PATIENCE -- there 'are' some RISKS -- it will take an ENTREPRENEURIAL Spirit -- a POSITIVE Attitude -- some COURAGE -- to name only a few attributes.
BUT -- for those who DO have these qualities -- for those who DO have a "belief" in  PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS -- for those who "will" pay the PRICE => the potential "rewards" (both economic and otherwise) can be absolutely - beyond belief.
The REWARDS will overcome and "wipe out" those Dirty SECRETS.
It is a M-I-N-D-S-E-T.
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