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Just 20 Bucks for a Weekend Onlineseminar - What you are going to learn
10/25/2007 3:17:30 PM

YORGOO: The Seminar - Become a Successful Seller
Oct 23, 2007 | 12:34 AM PST
Tags: Key-word , Seminar October e-Commerce , YORGOO , Google

Dear Friends,

do you want to sell a product online? Sell it over and over again?
And do you want to sell a product which has no recurring cost for

As we lined out during our last e-Commerce seminar: the profit of
what ever you sell is in your purchase price! How about a product
with ZERO Purchase Price?

No, I am not day-dreaming! The upcoming seminar will show you
EXACTLY how to get a product at no cost by creating your personal
info product.

We are not talking about just any info product here, but about an infoproduct that sells!

YORGOO Seminar









By learning step-by-step the exact method about HOW to create a Product
that Sells, you will review all the basics necessary to market ANYTHING in
a key-word dominated environment (e-Commerce, Search Engines).

The second day of our Seminar will focus on the marketing techniques
and the methods you may apply to make most any product saleable

At YORGOO we have given to all subscribers loads of products for free with the resell rights attached to them: all these products sell daily online.

The seminar will show you, how to convert a free reseller into an cash cow!

The Seminar is a unique opportunity to learn and apply our knowledge
practically and to take our online business to the next level.

You want to earn money online? We show you how it is done and we
walk with you step-by-step through the most efficient and rewarding
Method to generate daily sales in key-word driven environments.

A special section will deal with advertising! Here we will discuss and
compare the merits of Advertising in General and compare cost between
key-word based campaigns and general networking.

I am looking forward to an exiting seminar, where for the first time
we will share the insider information about how over 15% of the
sign-ups at YORGOO are coming from Google and 5% from other
key-word driven environments at absolutely ZERO Cost and ZERO

Register for the Seminar HERE as we will be able to work only with
a limited number of participants.

The content of this Seminar will become available as from next week
as a New Info-Product in the market at a price of USD 97 and therefore
no recordings will be made available after the seminar.

Cost per participant: $20!

This seminar constitutes the end of a series of e-Commerce
Basics Seminar; consider it as a synthesis of our cumulated
knowledge about key-word related marketing. I believe that
the content of this Seminar will be a valuable source for any
online business builder for years to come.

As there is no success without traffic, let's surf today:

JOIN TONIGHT's Call at 9 pm London time with the topic:

The Necessary Ingredients for a Sexy Sales-Page

Make it a great day and don't forget:


Warm regards


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