Dear Friends of Radio:
Over 13 wild fires have devastated more than 380,000 acres of the State of California. This disaster has forced over 1 million people to make tremendous changes in their lives, changes that will most assuredly last for months, if not years.
While people from all over the globe pitch in to assist and to lend a helping hand, you can also be assured that the scum of the earth will rear their ugly head and do all they can to make a buck off of someone else's grief and loss.
I would warn anyone who will listen that donations for relief are being directed to " Save The Children Foundation " as well as The California Volunteers Foundation.
Please play it safe and when offering a donation, only do so at these locations.
As a resident of California, I can assure you that anyone who uses this disaster to rip people off, on any level, may get that $200, however, they will not pass go and they will go straight to jail. Furthermore, it is my information that those who engage in this kind of criminal behavior will get the maximum sentence handed down; one that deals with endangering the health and welfare of a child. This is but one statue that will be upheld as part of prosecuting anyone arrested for setting up a bogus organization for securing donations for those effected by this horrible event.
I would also ask that you keep those here in California in your prayers and should you have a business that can assist the relief effort, contact you local State agency and they will direct you to the right person.
On behalf of Joe Buccheri and our entire team, I thank you for spending the time to read this and for all that you do to keep the Internet and the entire global community a safe and sane place where all can grow and prosper.
Vernon Browne
BCN News