
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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A VIRTUAL KICK for Visitors with a Lack of Community Spirit!!
10/17/2007 10:44:17 AM

There were TWO more votes cast since yesterday, that's a total of SEVEN votes in the past 48 hours! The preliminary ballot is up until Oct. 21st.  Don't all push and shove at once! 

All the other forum owners are on my friends list so it's not just about me, I just want more voters overall, I know there are HUNDREDS of people contributing to forum activity during the time-frame of the election.  The 64 votes we have right now does not reflect all the forum activity.  Each of those forums has about 200 or more members.  Out of 8 forums, we would expect at least double the amount of votes we have right now or even more.

WHERE ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE?  Without forum owners providing you with places to visit and have fun and socialize, where would you be right now?  Watching The Price Is Right with the new/old Drew Carey?

This is for all the visitors who post and have fun and gain new friends and information but don't have time to show appreciation by voting!  What would you do if we all decided to stop doing our forums?  Go watch TPIR and Drew?!


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Re: A VIRTUAL KICK for Visitors with a Lack of Community Spirit!!
10/17/2007 11:18:36 AM

Hello All

I know we all should try to do more in the forums it's good for business. However, some people have a lot of other things to do as well like me for instance. I have a full time job, a 1300 Sq F home to look after, a husband and family to love and care for, a double size lot to care for and I am trying to get something going on the internet.

I read all the emails I can and post when something is relevant for me. Not only at AdlandPro but at other programs as well. I have my own site that has to be promoted and I have several Blogs. I don't know about you but I also like to eat, sleep, and stay clean. So there really isn't enough time in a day to do everything.

I don't have time to get familiar with all the forums so I don't believe I have enough information to form an opinion on which forum or which person should be voted for, and I am sure I am not the only one that this true for.

Shelagh Drew (drewgida(1))

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: A VIRTUAL KICK for Visitors with a Lack of Community Spirit!!
10/17/2007 11:37:11 AM

Hi Shelagh,

Thanks for responding!  I know a lot of people are busy, it takes just a moment to vote.  Lots of visitors may not be familiar with all the nominated forums, I understand that also.  Thank you for taking a few minutes to post here, I appreciate it!

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Nick Sym

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Re: A VIRTUAL KICK for Visitors with a Lack of Community Spirit!!
10/17/2007 1:01:39 PM

For those who do not vote, you will be sent to above address and

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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: A VIRTUAL KICK for Visitors with a Lack of Community Spirit!!
10/17/2007 2:28:30 PM
Kathleen, I love your passion; you remind of of myself when I was about 18 or so and all of sudden -there were politics!

However.......uh oh!
There are way too many things to vote on at AdlandPro-is there some clever person who could design a ballot that comes at a regular time each month with no more than 5 things to vote on? More than that boggles my mind.

One minute in real time can turn into hours if my computer gets locked up doing something non-essential.
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