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Linda Harvey

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Whole Food Farmacy !
10/16/2007 11:28:44 AM
"Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food" Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-377 B.C.) The Wholefood Farmacy opened its doors in March 2003 with a Mission to Educate and Inspire people to embrace the “Seven Principles of Health” which are the foundation of a preventative based lifestyle. The Seven Principles of Health 1. Fresh Air & Sunshine 2. Water 3. Whole Foods 4. Physical Activity 5. Loving Relationships 6. Passion 7. A Good Night’s Sleep The Wholefood Farmacy offers healthy, convenient whole food based meals & snacks, non-toxic personal care items, and a website dedicated to "self-care" and a preventative based lifestyle. "We have seen the future of medicine and the future is food" Dr. Mitch Gaynor New York Strang Center For Cancer Prevention
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy ! Free to join !
10/16/2007 12:30:42 PM
The Seven Principles of Health 1. Fresh Air & Sunshine 2. Water 3. Whole Foods 4. Physical Activity 5. Loving Relationships 6. Passion 7. A Good Night’s Sleep The Wholefood Farmacy offers healthy, convenient whole food based meals & snacks, non-toxic personal care items, and a website dedicated to "self-care" and a preventative based lifestyle.
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy ! Free to join !
10/16/2007 12:43:19 PM
I love the word-smithing, ie. "Farmacy". My Mother repeatedly reminded me that hard work makes the food taste better and the hard bed softer. The garden on the farm was situated on the way to the barn for good reason. Cucumbers & radishes on the way out and maybe a couple of spuds on the way back for lunch.
The air was laced with reminders of "That's dollars you're smelling, son".     
Annie Parker

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy ! Free to join !
10/16/2007 1:53:18 PM
Hello, Linda! Thanks for the info. I have just signed up. It is going to tie in perfectly with the enterprise I am in the process of forming!!! What a more ways than one! Hugs a bunch!!!(Those are healthy, too!!!!)
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly....Leave the rest to God! Miss Annie
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy ! Free to join !
10/16/2007 7:52:33 PM
Rudy, We would all be healthier and happier if we had a little food garden in our yard. Nothing beats fresh ! The Seven Principles of Health 1. Fresh Air & Sunshine 2. Water 3. Whole Foods 4. Physical Activity 5. Loving Relationships 6. Passion 7. A Good Night’s Sleep The Wholefood Farmacy offers healthy, convenient whole food based meals & snacks, non-toxic personal care items, and a website dedicated to "self-care" and a preventative based lifestyle.

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