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Venoy Joseph

646 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
10/15/2007 10:34:31 AM



Man has been created to be worshippers for the most high God. The aroma of worship to God is like acknowledging his  holiness, his purity, his kingdom, his authority and loving kindness. Holiness can be only assigned to God and he alone is holy. The source of holiness is he alone and he alone maintains a standard of righteousness,  with him is the ocean of holiness that is eternal. God assigns holiness to all beings and nothing can be holy without him. No unrighteousness is associated with God, like a new white shirt with no spot on it, that is the extant of holiness of God. The holy God has created man in his own image, the man in the beginning was holy and pure and that is why God could freely talk to man. God  had talked to Adam directly and banished him when he lost his holiness. This shows how much a value God holds to holiness, purity, righteousness.

The man who walked with God, talked with God, directly was thrown out of Aden for a little impurity. You could see the bonding that would have developed between Adam and God Almighty. A bonding that was made for eternity ended up so soon because of unholiness. When God is full of holiness, he would want his creation to be without spot i.e holy. The main and  only reason for the bond to end prematurely  was one silly mistake , as if a white new shirt with one speck of a dirt, that God did’n’t liked.

Adam and Eve enjoyed every moment with God , would have had a thought that this days would never pass over. It would have been the most precious days of their lives, no man could have enjoyed those days except those two. They took God for granted, the relation ended without completing its full session. That which was made for eternity stopped instantly without warning because of a foolish decision made by Adam and Eve. This shows what a value God holds for sinlessness, a pure man was to be a partner of God for eternity.

Losing Eden and put to earth was as if coming from Solomon’s  palace to a ghetto, more than that for Adam and Eve it was a loss of a life time. They both would have cried over it for  a prety long time, fasting probably nearer to death but to no avail, all effort to regain that lost glory, heaven was lost forever. They would have lost interest in this ghetto world, they would have cried and cried, fasted and fasted , pleading In all possible ways, to once more enter into Eden. It was an  inexplicable loss for Adam and Eve. The story goes that they did not wanted to continue in this face of the earth, they wanted to die without the Creator, God Almighty but they had already lied down and Eve had  become pregnant. The signs of pregnancy   vomiting, swelling stomach etc  made them realize that a new one of their kind was coming into the world. In anticipation of a child they began to slowly  forget the past.

They would have probably never lost memory of their cohabiting with God. Adam and Eve would have reminisce the days when they questioned God at every thing new they saw at Aden, as a small child getting a new toy. God would have answered their each question with full knowledge and they both wandering at those answers. They would have seen many relatives depart during their lifetime but never a heart wreck had they as much as the exit of God Almighty from their lives. A figure seeing whom they drew strength, felt calm, looked up to, found peace, knew completeness was missing in their lives. They would have cursed the day they had talked to the serpent  and eaten the fruit, they wished that the animals did’n’t had speaking power as humans. But, the trespass has been made, sin has conquered man, evil has raised their ugly heads breaking the walls and fences of holiness  and evil had now power over human beings which God Almighty detested. By eating the fruit they had bonded with the evil, making null the holybond. A simple sin has brought such a shift of fortune that no man can imagine it, such is the depth of God’s holiness, that even a  minute speck of unholiness enrages him.

God Almighty had lost more than Adam and Eve had. When God created man, he visualized a perfect worshipper, made of his likeness, his image and he wanted man to be a spotless spirit. God’s glory is based on the worship he is bestowed with and that worship ought to be from pure spirits who are made in his likeness. God wanted to show man as his perfect worshipper to the fallen angels and how man enjoyed to rule over the earth in subordination to him. He wanted man to be perfect example of obedience and trust . When he walked and talked with Adam and Eve, their innocence, their closeness, their purity, their openness , their presence really made a mark in his heart, he would have felt an air of perfectness and happiness over his creation. He probably was thinking of extending the family of humans with his expert designer hands and basking in the imaginary thought of happiness, over the vast number of holy  humans  who will worship him. He was thinking of naming them Godkind instead of mankind.

The thing last on his mind was the fall of Adam and eve, their rebellion, and their  exit from Eden. When lucifer and his angel fell, God thought that in place of them he would create a holy race that would dwell with him forever. This race would be God kind and rule with him throughout eternity over whole of the earth and all dominion will be given to them. They will be the subordinate rulers working directly under him and his dominion would extend throughout the earth. The fallen angels would  not have any influence on the earth, their role and purpose was lost for  rebelling against God and they were a nuisance spirit destined to hell.

This was not to be when man sinned, he lost the authority to rule and instead gave authority to the evil to take charge. Now, devils purpose is reinstated, the hold on humans became their purpose, to dominate human minds and to bring them under his kingdom was his main aim. This had made the devil the king over the earth which was to be ruled by humans in association with God. The evil runs a parallel kingdom with God’s kingdom. God had actually lost humans to the evil that was an incomparable loss to anything else. His heart broke, his spirit was grieved, that his equation with evil will not be the same as man has let evil into his life and rule his mind.

The eqation  has become equality in governing human lives, by allowing evil to hook him up, man has given equall  rights to both God and evil. If he is governed by God’s spirit, he’s under God’s control and when he does against God, he’s under evil’s control. Thus a parallel kingdom runs in this world from the time Adam was put on the earth. You are in a kingdom based on the decision you make, you can live  to please God or the evil. Even if you are in God’s kingdom , satan can infiltrate and govern your mind to do as he wish. So , satan’s main aim is to make man think and do against the will of God and to show God the unholy side of humans. Satan is an accuser he wants to show always the dark side of man to the perfect designer, God and put evil  and man at par with each other both destined for hell.

Hell was made for the fallen angels as they live for eternity, man has also a eternal existence either heaven where God dwells or in hell where satan will be put. God is a holy God, he wants to dwell with them who is holy. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God banished them from Aden, so that man does not live with his physical body through out eternity by eating the tree of life. He wanted a holy man, a polluted man can’t dwell with him.

From Adam to this day God has provided ways for man to be holy. In the olden days the blood of animals was shed to atone for the unholiness for man. The concept was sin should bring death as God had said to Adam that the day you sin you will die, but Adam did’nt die but he became a reciepient of death. Man was made for eternity with his physical body in holiness but when sin entered him, his  physical body was made mortal by not eating the fruit of life. In shedding the blood of animals in the old covenant was to, ennoble  and to impinge on his spirit which is eternal. Seeing the blood shed by an animal for his sin, was to touch the man’s spirit to refrain from evil. Man would think of the blood shed for him by an animal and hold value to it, and make him think that it would have been him in place of the animal. His spirit would be changed and in turn his body mind and soul would be more according to God’s will.

The animal was sacrificed and the  blood shed to atone for the sin of man, blood is related to life and sin has to be compensated with a life. The old covenant makes animal as the atonement of sin for man, what God has made as a law has to be followed for salvation to enter heaven. It was a law that brought salvation to mankind in the old testament and man was made holy by the blood of an animal. Whatsoever sin a man does he could be holy by the blood of an animal that was the law of the land set by God. Now every sin a man commits can be atoned for by the blood of the animal but every sin a man commits has a punishment in this life and the life to come.

None of the old testament saints were left unpunished for any of their sins. Sin God almighty hates, and every sin brings its own wrath. Suppose you are sexually  promiscuous  and the holy spirit nudges you every time you do it outside your marriage, most of the time you would have felt very uncomfortable after doing it i.e you did’n’t enjoy it. But still you continue doing it and then the dangerous out come that you might get some sexually transmitted deaseas, Aids etc as the partners you have may had visited a brothel or so, Or you may have some sex maniacs spoil your urge for sex and you may no longer enjoy because of that one night stand. Many a way God tells man to stop sinning or worse may happen.

Sex is  one thing that forces man to go to any extant because sex is a very divinely beautiful thing when it is done within the umbrella of marriage but outside of it is surely governed by evil spirits. When  sex is governed by evil spirit the violence and shame is always involved with it. Unlawful sex is one sin that directly contaminates the body and in turn it affects the mind and spirit, it has it hangovers, once done one would probably want to have sex with every person one associates with. This makes sex cheap and nothing Godliness remains in it, then every sexual move of yours is governed by the wicked spirit, even with your spouse. One that is very commonly found is always cheap and ungodly. Sex looses all its value, now sleeping with sister’s, mother, father, daughter,s,  brother’s, uncle’s , aunt’s , friend,s etc makes no difference. That which has no value is stamped and signature by satan , the evil has your body, soul and mind through your promiscuity. If you look at it sex with one person is same as sex with any other tom, dick and harry or mary, suzy and jenny, it gives the same pleasure and same enjoyment.  If it is the same then why on earth would you want to give satan a foothold in your  life and grieve the holy spirit, have your respective wife or husband and remove the hold of satan in your life through sex. It is just that satan wants to accuse you before God and also new entrant your children is also affected by it  and satan  can also govern their life through sex and the legacy continues.

Sexual  sin has a lot of effect  on a human being such as

v  It makes man worst than animals and they indulge in group sex with no shame in their being naked in front of others i.e losing all respect for one’s life and dignity.

v  It makes man further away from God, now more than Godly desires he has sexual desires, which drives him for more.

v  One’s desire is now more for others partner rather than one’s own partner, they fantasize of others and this may result in more divorce in the society.

v  Sexual urge at home keeps a healthy relation between each other but when it grows cold the relations at home also grows cold.

v  Children are affected the most, they see parents promiscuity and loose virginity at a very young age, which affects their mind for a good number of years, the pain and the shame associated with sex is too much for a young mind to handle. They have now no shame in sleeping with multiple partners to satisfy their sexual need, their energy level is such that unimaginable things they do with their partners and cheapening sex , which was made to be holy by God.

v  Young minds are warped under these conditions and one cannot expect a fantastic result in this competitive world, their education is hampered and society as a whole is infected with loose morality.

v  It can be washed by the blood of Jesus but every time you fail you are again nailing Jesus to the cross. Peter did a mistake under tried conditions which can be forgotten but Judas mistake involved a cold blooded thinking mind, which will be remembered forever. Judas might enter heaven as being the 12th disciple of Christ but God and  he will always remember his betrayal. Sexual failure due to some human weakness can be overlooked but continuous promiscuity will always have a guilt feeling in you, even in heaven, when the book of life will be opened. Sexual sin is rated the worst which is done to one’s own body, and yours rating in heaven will go too low for all your promiscuity.

It is impossible for  those who have once been enlightened  who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the holy spirit , who have tasted the goodness of word of God and the powers  of the coming age, if they fall away, to brought back to repentance because to their loss they are crucifying the son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

God hates sexual sin the most because in his word he has said that man’s body is the temple of the holy spirit received from God, man is brought at a price and one ought to honour  God with one’s body and sex is one sin that directly contaminates the body. When man sins sexually his body becomes the temple of evil spirits and it grieves the holy spirit the most. God uses man to spread his kingdom and he can do nothing without man, thus he keeps on forgiving and let him continue in the position he is in but he punishes man for all the sin he commits in this world and the world to come. As Jesus said he who is preaching for  me is with me, he might have committed any sin yet Jesus loves him because he preaches his word and helps to establish his kingdom.

All may argue that everybody does it and their ministries and blessings grow in their life. It has become a common thing that all have crossed the sexual boundary and does as gentiles  does. Believers are not called to behave like gentiles, they have to choose the narrow path which leads to righteousness and holiness. The only difference between a gentile and a believer should not be in their belief but also in the spotless life they live. Many a gentile detest the belief in Jesus because the followers has low moral value than them, that means believers immoral conduct is a dark spot or blemish to ever drawing love of Christ on the cross. They think the Jesus way is another among  the thousands of religion in the world because of gross immorality among the believers. You are being an hindrance to extention of God’s kingdom on this earth. You can say many a men have the joined the Jesus way and still is drawing to the cross but I personally feel many a men also have run away from the cross due to sin among believer’s.

Mahatma Ghandhi actually wanted to become a Christian, impressed by the teachings  of Jesus,  but when he went to a church in south Africa the priest discriminated him with a  white. He promised never to go to a church in his life, he was the sole player in the freedom of India from the Britishers , using Jesus’s principle of non-violence. How great an impact could have been made in the Christian world had he been  won for Christ, and that  priest  would’n’t have uttered that discriminating words. Its true how immorality can offend people and instead of drawing towards Christ it makes them dislike the cross. You may say that Jesus power can draw many people to him but actually in this world the evil power works more vigorously and commonly. God’s power  is rare but you can find evil spirits work at every nook and corner, and these can almost replicate everything as in God’s kingdom.

God wants to have holy priests to reign with him throughout eternity, Jesus blood makes one holy  in this world but in the heaven holiness will be ascribed to those who strive to be holy. When lucifer and his angels were reigning with God in heaven, they could be with God as long as they maintained the standard of righteousness and when they broke down the fences  erected by God, they were thrown out from heaven. God wants men and women to be his holy priests reigning with him forever, if you donot try for holiness in this world, how can you expect yourself to do that in the coming world. If you cannot  learn to strive holiness , in heaven the fate of those humans may not be much different  from the fate of the fallen angels.

We humans exist in this world in a physical body with a spirit and soul (intellect) but in the world to come i.e heaven for believers, we will be given a heavenly body with the same spirit and intellect. When you learn to maintain your holiness and righteousness in this world, you are actually preparing your spirit and soul for a better world to come. Jesus said that I am going to prepare a place for those who are waiting for him, you have to wait with lamps of righteousness burning even brighter in these last days. That they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven, good deeds always endears man to God. If you impinge your spirit with unholiness and unrighteousness in this world that character may not vary in eternity and you can earn the displeasure of God and he does not endure unholiness to long, as you can see in the scriptures. You may say that you donot commit any gross mistake like stealing, killing etc but even a small sin is the same as a big sin in front of God, and a sin that you commit for a pretty long time impresses on the spirit and soul heavily. Now you can imagine the shame and the guilt you would be with, when you stand before HOLY God with the same spirit and soul.

You are God’s holy priest’s in this world by the blood of Jesus, as God looks to believer’s through the blood of Jesus. You as a believer is spotless and blameless in the eyes of God the father, why not? Because God has sent his son Jesus to shed blood for the sin of man that those who accept him are holy and are eligible for heaven and salvation belongs to such as these. If you look yourself through your eyes or through the eyes of people will you find yourself holy and blameness? It’s true that no man is holy because all have fallen short of the glory of God, and every men in this world know that this is true for all humans. But all humans looks and admires people who stayed away from sin and tried to be as righteous as can be. So to be holy by worldly standards is one who has refrained from sin and testified for it to others by his moral conduct.

God’s holy priest are those who is holy both in the eyes of men and God. Holy priests are supposed to maintain a standard of conduct by their own behavior. God requires them to be aloof from the wide immoral path the world is walking in, he expects his high priests to walk the world through a narrow path of morality. Priests should have a great respect for themselves in their own eyes and in the eyes of the beholder, if this is not so then being holy in the eyes of God only will not be a complete package of holy priest. A complete package is not that it is unattainable but only a striving spirit and a soul in true love for God becomes completely prepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus. God would always want a high priest on the basis of the better  conduct they strived for in this world and not a loose, immoral high priests who are priests only by the blood of Jesus. It is not that one,  has to be completely holy when Jesus returns for his bride the believer’s but it should be always the effort of the bride the church to strive for holiness and righteousness till they finish their race on this mortal world.

Last but not the least, there are different positions in heaven and  according to me the positions in heaven would be mostly based on the two main things. One the holiness factor which will weigh heavily and the second the spreading of gospel to enlarge the kingdom of God. In a Job there are many qualifications enlisted  to get it, in the same way heavenly positions have lot of qualifications which a human mind cannot fathom and understand. But what I suggested is just a tip of an iceberg but that holiness factor no one can overlook  and always God loves a holy and upright man whether he is a believer or not . So, believer’s  the ball is in our court now, so let us play the game with all our strength  and at the end of the game let us say as paul said, I have fought the good fight and finished the game with all my strength and tried to put as much as Aces of holiness into God’s book of life. Now the crown of righteousness is mine and I can claim of higher positions in heavenly realms, reining through eternity.




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