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Bogdan Fiedur

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Far and away the best prize that life offers ....
8/4/2005 11:56:16 AM
"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." – Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President
Craftie Linda

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Re: Far and away the best prize that life offers ....
8/4/2005 12:09:30 PM
Hi Bogdan Thanks for the download. What a lot of reading I have to do,jokes and quotes, murphy's laws, puns and now a massive ebook. Linda
Thomas West

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Re: Far and away the best prize that life offers ....
8/4/2005 12:11:13 PM
I would also submit that "work worth doing" is a VERY subjective term. Have you ever met a waitress at a restaurant or a janitor who was full of energy, vitality, and just oozed enthusiasm? You find yourself thinking, "that person was BORN to be a janitor." They're out there, folks. Me personally, my work worth doing is directing high school bands. My business is work worth doing because it helps me get the things in life I want that band directing in a public school system can not provide. Make it a great day (literally),
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Far and away the best prize that life offers ....
8/4/2005 12:30:27 PM
Hello Bogdan, Thank you for being here for us.sharing your profound insite as well.I am a special education Techer and I love my job,It is very worth doing.Alot of people can not do it,I find it very rewarding,I know I make a difference in their lives,as when They see me coming their eyes light up as my eyes light up when I see them.Its a great feeling to know that I work hard at my job and it is very much worth working at.Also being a personal trainer is very worth doing, that Im making a difference in ones lives.Thanks kathy martin
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Marilyn L Martin

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Re: Far and away the best prize that life offers ....
8/4/2005 12:41:30 PM
HI Bogdan, Thanks somuch for another great quote from yet another great man. Take care and God Bless! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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