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Kyle Watters

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Goji On Opra
10/6/2007 1:24:37 AM
Goji on Oprah!
In 2005, the Los Angeles Times raved about the health benefits of the goji berry. In 2006, TIME magazine called the "Himalayan Goji Berry the Superfruit of the Year!" In 2007, it got even better. The Oprah Winfrey Show, the highest-rated talk show in television history, recommended goji to Chicago Bulls leading scorer Ben Gordon to maintain high energy levels and prevent post-workout crashes. Calling the goji berry ". . . the most potent antioxidant fruit that we know," America's Doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, author of the bestselling YOU: The Owners Manual, and Vice Chairman of Surgery at Columbia University, gave the recommendation on the October 1 episode. Seen by approximately nine million viewers around the world, Dr. Oz also stated that goji "grows in the Himalayas."
CLICK HERE to read the article from Oprah's show!
As the category creator of the goji berry, and the number one goji company in the world, FreeLife is thrilled with the unsolicited, unpaid endorsement of goji. Exclaimed CEO and Co-Founder Ray Faltinsky, "The exposure the goji berry received on Oprah will help us to spread the good news of Himalayan Goji Juice around the world faster than ever before!"

Join us in drinking this wonderfull product. Also keep your mind open to our business opportunity. or in Canada at


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Donna Zuehl

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Re: Goji On Opra
10/12/2007 9:45:13 PM
Hi Kyle, In the latest article I posted in my health forum, goji berries are mentioned as being healthy. DonnaZ

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