I enjoyed your article about Social Networking and I can relate to a lot of what you said. I love social networks and I am a member of all the communities you mentioned including Direct Matches. It's pretty hard to find business contacts in these communities. But it is possible. I believe Apsense and Sales Spider are more business oriented but as with any social networking community, you will receive your fair share of spam. Apsense has a lot of experienced marketers sharing their knowledge in the community. You can also take advantage of their Assist.com affiliation as well. Both offer great means of networking your business professionally without out all the glitter effects. Sales Spider has an option to generate leads for you. You can also create groups and place free classified ads. They just started something new called live events. I am a little behind on all the latest trends in both communities because I recently moved. I would love to use your article on my Social Networking Blog I found your article very amusing because I'm not a big fan of Direct Matches either. Just let me know if it's okay and what you would like in your signature line.