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Thomas Richmond

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY - JERILYN M_ Many Blessings To You my friend.
9/28/2007 3:02:37 PM

""The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous"   
 1288 Friends
Member since 7/11/2006
Jerilyn M.
Gender Female
Age 45
Location Northeast, Mississippi, United States
Interests Relaxation, Friends, Law, Photography, Movies and Film, wildlife, International, Current Events, Racing/any kind, Multimedia, Beauty, Internet, Blogs, Nascar, TV, Affiliates, web promotion, Baseball, News, Swimming, Making Music, Radio, Human Rights, BEING ME!, Advertising, Bowling, Harley Davidson, E-Business, Learning, Collecting, Skiing, Jokes and Quotes, My Manx, Surfing, General Health, Audio/Video, Environment, Art, Communications, Changing Laws, Animal Rights, Networking, Basketball, Music, Nature, Hiking, Cars, Female Health, Golf, Investing, Motorcross, Science, Motorcycles, Medication, Camping, Finances, Marketing, Other Sports, Fishing, Cats, Football, History, Soccer, WORLD PEACE, Birds, Happiness, Male Health, Dogs, Gardening, Computers
URL View MY-EASY-PROMOTER's web site
Industry Marketing, Friends, Horses, Other Pets, Law, Photography, wildlife, International, Current Events, Multimedia, Beauty, Internet, Blogs, TV, Affiliates, Bizopp, Reptiles, News, Human Rights, Making Music, web promotion, Radio, BEING ME!, Advertising, Small Pets, E-Business, Learning, Environment, General Health, Communications, Changing Laws, Animal Rights, Networking, Music, Female Health, Investing, Fish, Science, Medication, Finances, My Manx, Cats, History, WORLD PEACE, Birds, Happiness, Male Health, Dogs, Computers
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Sharon Lee

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Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY - JERILYN M_ Many Blessings To You my friend.
9/28/2007 3:08:25 PM

Happy Birthday Dear Jerilyn,

Have a Great Party and eat Lots of Cake too!!!


Thomas Richmond

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Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY - JERILYN M_ Many Blessings To You my friend.
9/28/2007 3:12:11 PM
Wooo Whooo Thanx Mom, enjoy your day, weekend, days, hours, minutes, seconds, have i left anything out?? lol
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Jerilyn Merideth

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Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY - JERILYN M_ Many Blessings To You my friend.
9/28/2007 3:30:02 PM


My Dear Sweet Friend Thomas,

Thank You for the birthday party!

Too Cool!

I also want to Thank You for Always being here for me!

Bless You,



Jerilyn Merideth "Cutest Critter Photo Contest" now through April 30, 2011. "The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous"
Diane Bjorling

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Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY - JERILYN M_ Many Blessings To You my friend.
9/28/2007 3:32:23 PM
Happy Birthday Jerilyn... I so agree..lots of cake and laughter!

Peace and Light to You


P.S.  That saying is so very true about how we regard the animals in the world  :-)