
Millions at the Kitchen Table
9/24/2007 9:32:58 AM

I recently posted an article "Do You Hate Your Boss?". Some would say that the title was a bit harsh but it wasn't intended to be taken that way. It was intended to prove a point. I believe that all of us have the right to be our own boss and take full control of our destiny. However, in the midst of life we sometimes let other people take control. It is instilled in most human beings from the time they are mere children that life goes something like this: grow up, go to school, and get a good job. Think about how many things are going on in the world right now. Do you not think that you are selling yourself short by continuously going to your nine to five job without exploring what else is out there?

Did you know that if 85% of all Americans over the legal age were to die today, they would die in debt? That means that only 15% would not leave burdens to their family but how many of the 15% could leave financial security to their immediate family? That is a very scary thought! Do you think it is because they choose to be that way? Of course different spending habits and situations are going to require certain people to make more money than others to “keep their head above water” but they will never be able to accomplish that unless they “look outside the box”. If a person knows that what they are currently doing is not filling the financial gap and they continue to express these same habits then they can only blame themselves for the continuing negative outcomes. If you do not obtain anything from this article but one thing, let it be this: YOU WILL NEVER FIND ABSOLUTE FINANCIAL FREEDOM BY WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE!!!

I have been very lucky and privileged to be able to gain certain knowledge over the years and to be able to use it to seek financial security. My father and grandfather believed that drive, determination and a positive attitude to succeed is what makes the difference. Money isn't everything. However, I am a true believer that if you do not have to worry about money you can prosper in every other aspect of your life as well. It takes a special person to become financially secure. I call that special person a BELIEVER!!! If you think you can do it, guess what? YOU CAN!!

Right now, if you are reading this article and you have just one ounce of uncertainty about your future, seek the advice that I am about to share with you. Money is not going to fall into your lap nor are checks going start piling into your mailbox but this is the beginning of a life changing experience. This system shows you how to determine products, market them and SAVE MONEY while starting YOUR OWN business. I emphasize "save money" because we all know that the main reason why 95% of businesses fail is high overhead.

Do yourself a favor, invest in your future today and you will thank yourself for many days to come. Definite Cash website is full of testimonials of people that have found my system very useful If you have any questions feel free to email me. Good luck!! See you at the TOP!!

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