Flying into the USA for a Promotional Road Tour will be
VWD/uVme’s Head of Development and Support
Eric Avery!
uVme in OHIO, USA
2 events on the same day
Sunday 23rd September 2007
Cambridge Holiday Inn
2248 Southgate Parkway
Cambridge, Ohio 43725 USA
Bring your family and your guests to see and hear
VWD / uVme’s Head of Development and Support,
Eric Avery, as he presents the uVme business.
If you want to learn more…
Stay for the fast start work shop.
Event 1: Doors open at 2:45pm for a 3pm start.
Event 2: Doors open at 5:45pm for a 6pm start.
If you want to make sure you get the very best seats, arrive early!
Each event starts with the 45 minute uVme Business Opportunity meeting, followed by a short break. Eric will then conduct a workshop to help you understand more of the detail of the uVme business and the uVme payplan.
This is a NO COST event. It's FREE to enter.
You may confirm your seat by email to admin@uvme.com
Let us know your name, the venue you are attending and how many guests you intend to bring.
No reservation is needed but would be appreciated!! Thank you!
For more info on uvme go to: http://www.playatuvme.com