Hello Stephen,
Yes sir! Any online marketer worth their salt doesn't place all their eggs in one basket. At least those that learn from past mistakes.
Social Communities and social bookmarking is all great ways to share your business interest with like minded individuals. Without all the noise and hype.
Sure we are excited about our buisinesses and their potential. Like most businesses there is a sharing of knowledge and commerce should be coming from that growing relationship.
In the brick n mortar world my income depends on finding common ground with my customers and build a fresh relationship and make a sale. Sounds typical right.
It isn't because I have about 90 minutes before I see my next lead, and start the process over. In my field, I am a one call closer and I work by commission only. Now the kicker is... If I don't close that sale right now. I will not make my commission.
So we learn to look for triggers that will make that sale happen. We try to create a sense of urgent for our solution. Let's say that not everyone can do what I do, because to be a one-call closer you have to have it in you and be trainable. Just like a hunter, you have to have a killer instinct sometimes. You cannot teach that.
So in my own HBB and building my own empire I am not as agressive, I perfer to take some time and get to know you, share some stuff and maybe when you realize, that I am a pretty ok and knowledgeable guy, well then we can get to some commerce.
Drop by my forum and learn about the BDF community. http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/821360.aspx
I plan on spending some time on your blog and seeing where I am not :-).