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What Would Jesus Do?
9/14/2007 6:16:40 PM

Hi Thomas and everyone else!

This is a very stimulating question you posed for those of us who are spiritually inclined!

It is a very important question too for anyone who wants  to be recognized by GOD and Christ as Christ's disciples.  

A disciple is a taught one, a trained one, subsequently a follower.  In Luke 6:40, Jesus stated that a disciple would be like his teacher.  The Greek word ma.the.tes' primarily denotes one who "directs his mind to something".

So, being a disciple of Christ means directing our minds to be followers of Christ, being Christian.  So your question is all important in our lives!  If I want to be a Christian, then it appears I should always seek to find the mind of Christ before making any important decision.  What would Jesus do indeed!  And it can become quite complicated....

Considering this in a logical manner, my first thought in this would be to examine my mind:  what I know and have learned and have been taught and believe.  Is it in harmony with what Jesus taught?


If Jesus were on earth today, if he could talk to us and teach us personally, would he teach us this doctrine of the TRINITY?  Did he teach it while here on earth?  In a nutshell, this is the teaching:

"The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion -- the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: "the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God." In this Trinity of Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal generation, and the Holy Spirit proceeds by an eternal procession from the Father and the Son. Yet, notwithstanding this difference as to origin, the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and omnipotent. This, the Church teaches, is the revelation regarding God's nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which she proposes to man as the foundation of her whole dogmatic system. " (This is easily researched and documented in various encyclopedia and in church documents).

Jesus died in 33 CE.  John the last apostle, died about 98 CE. Even while the apostles still lived, disunity crept into the congregations.  The apostles warned that apostasy would come: 2 Thess 2:3,7, Romans 16:17,18, 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Timothy 2:16-18.

As the apostles died , various apologist writers undertook the task of defending Christianity against the persecution of the pagans. The doctrine of the Trinity was expressed in early writings from the beginning of the second century forward and was the result of continuous exploration by the church of the biblical data, argued in debate and treatises, influenced also by gnosticism and Greek Platonic thought. The First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD established a nearly universal Trinitarian dogma and expressly rejected any alternate beliefs, which it considered heresies.

So here we have the  info on how this particular doctrine became the center of "Christian" religion. Again, go to search engines and research this information, it is easily available.

 Any comments on the above are welcome.

Next post I would like to discuss on what basis the doctrine was accepted this by the church.  What words of Jesus and the apostles are used to bring to this conclusion? Is it a Christian teachin?  I would like to format it in a question and answer manner, with Jesus (his words recorded in the Bible) as the authority.



Thomas Richmond

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Re: What Would Jesus Do?
9/14/2007 7:23:58 PM
Thank you for sharing with your posts of this trynity? God is one God, consisting of three distictive personalitys (Matthew 1:18-23; 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 2:18,21-22). There is no word "trinity" in the Holy Bible it is a man made word.  Being a Disciple of Christ i direct my mind as to what Jesus did not to what man did, the Apostles were his students just as I am, however just like any good student you become that teacher but in this case not perfect such as  am not perfect. we as Christians are challenged every single day with the worlds inputs and pollution it is up to us to refrain from such pollution,Galations 5:19 explains that. Jesus is my rabbi and i will follow my rabbi as the Jewish community follow there doctrine with the caron? so i follow mine. Good points though.. Remember God doesnt change his spots he remains the same , unlike us we change with the tide so as Christians its up to us to make the right choices for what we live in today society. Stay true my friend.Keep the Faith! God_bless you
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Re: What Would Jesus Do?
9/21/2007 5:19:14 PM

Hi Thomas and all,

I am writing from Seattle, a cool crisp day with the sunshine bursting out of the clouds every so often.  Grateful to be alive! Yes, you are right Thomas, on this doctrine of the TRINITY, yes there is no mention of that word in the Bible. 

Let's interview our Lord Jesus Christ.

Question 1:  Why did you never teach  the Trinity doctrine to your apostles?

Answer:  Everyone knows that people who were non Jewish already believed in Trinities of Gods.  It was therefore a PAGAN teaching when I came to earth.  For example, in  Egypt the people believed in trinities or triads of gods.  One list found in the tomb of Thutmose I mentions 720 gods!  One of their most favorite was the trinity of Osiris, Isis his wife and Horus their son. So keep in mind that these are FALSE gods, false trinities, imagined and created by the priests. (Do a Web search about Egyptian gods and trinities).  In contrast, the Jewish nation in which I was born was monotheistic, believing in YHWH as the ALMIGHTY GOD AND CREATOR.

Let us go right back to the very beginning of the beginning when there was no heavens and earth and take this point by point. 

I.  THE FATHER:  Job 36:26, Dan 7:9,13, 1 Tim 1:17, Exo 6:3, Psa 83,18 - My Father, the ALMIGHTY GOD (whose name is YHWH) had not a beginning and will have no end. He is the Creator.

2.  THE SON:  John 17:5 - I was with the ALMIGHTY GOD before the world was created.                                               Colossians 1:15, Proverbs 8:22, 2 Cor 1:3 - I had a beginning. I was the beginning of the beginning.  The ALMIGHTY GOD created me first, so I am the "firstborn" of all creation. I am not HIM, I am HIS son, HIS image because I reflect Him perfectly and completely, just as your son may be your image.  My father and I are one because we speak and act in perfect agreement, just as a husband and wife should be one.                                                                         Rev 4:11, Genesis 1:26, Colossians 1:16, Proverbs 8:22 - As His first creation, I was given the privilege to work along with my Father in the creation of everything else, as an assistant.       John 1:1; - As His first son, I was given the title and responsibility of being the ALMIGHTY GOD'S WORD, His spokesman.             Isaiah 9:6, John 14:28  - I am a mighty god, because I am the image of the ALMIGHTY GOD and a glorious spirit creature.  But I am not equal to my Father, He is greater than I am and existed before I did. (There are many "gods" but only one ALMIGHTY GOD, THE CREATOR, MY FATHER.)

III.  THE HOLY SPIRIT:  Genesis 1:2 ;Matthew 1:18, Acts 2:4 - My Father has a dynamic, powerful, bottomless energy which He emits to carry out His purposes and to strenghthen His followers.  It is His Holy Spirit, His active force. It is not a spirit person with thoughts and ideas and actions. It is like an electric current that is sent out from a generator for a purpose.

There is no mystery here as there is and has been throughout the ages in the pagan religions and the Greek philosophers  with their trinities.

Let us all search for the TRUTH of this matter. Please comment on the points above.


Thomas Richmond

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Re: What Would Jesus Do?
9/21/2007 7:03:28 PM
I thank you for your enlightened post. I can see you have a grasp of what Christianity is my friend. My rabbi Jesus had all those three distinctive identitiys known to man as the trinity. Is there something you may want to know? like becoming a baptized Disciple of Christ? Can you post your back ground  or your religion or teachings? or do you want to keep on searching.
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Re: What Would Jesus Do?
9/22/2007 12:22:58 AM

Thank you for the opportunity of having broadcast this important information to whoever may read it.  It was indeed a pleasure.

I wish you all the best, Thomas.


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