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No Fees/Commission
9/14/2007 11:53:30 AM
I've recently opened an online store for the sale of original artworks and handcrafted items created by the Members of CraftBoard.  The store is designed to earn income for the Members only, so no fees or commission is charged for their sales.  And as CraftBoard itself is free to join, I doubt that there's a better deal anywhere on the web.

If you'd like to take a look at the store, it's the CraftBoard Arts and Crafts Store.

You may wonder why I'd do something for nothing.  The simple answer is that I'm disabled, with a surfeit of time on my hands!  I gain stimulation and pleasure from my web activities that far exceeds any financial rewards I could possibly have hoped for.

Re: No Fees/Commission
10/20/2007 9:19:00 AM

This is a very interesting concept.   I have been looking for a place to put my art.  How many sales have you had thus far?   I would like to start my own site soon, but am just learning  how to make the pages.  I am pretty much lost.  I love painting, I especially like to do poraits. back.  Have improved since then.  I tried to upload one to show, but dont know how to get it here from my computer.  

I hope you get lots of interest for your site.  I may be back soon asking you to take mine. 




Re: No Fees/Commission
10/25/2007 9:46:07 AM
Hi and thanks, LeAnn :)

The store is still in its infancy at the moment, with lots of promotion to do ;)  We haven't yet had any sales but it's very early days yet.

If you want to test the waters, then you'd be very welcome to join CraftBoard and submit some pieces for the store.  There's no cost at all.  Alternatively, I'd happily recommend vstore as most of the work is done for you ;)

Steve :)

Re: No Fees/Commission
11/17/2007 12:45:59 AM
Hello Steve!

I am very much interested to sell our stuffs.  Jus visited the site and joined.  But theres no allocated portion in ther where I can sell my stuff?  Please help, I need your guidance...
Thanks and more power to you!

H.R. Ingram III

1 Posts
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Re: No Fees/Commission
4/30/2008 7:19:23 PM
Mr. Smy, 'Saw your post an' checked out th' Craftboard. Will look closer @ my leisure...Looks good @ 1st glance. I've been a photographer for 20-odd yrs. Jus' turned pro. Check me out @ . Enjoy! th' Roaddog