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Does Posting to Free Classified Sites Bring You Business?
9/14/2007 9:03:30 AM

Happy Friday!

My question for today is that if you have posted ads for your business on free classifieds sites, such as our own AdlandPro, do you find you get any response?  

I have done this some and I get a few hits, usually it is someone wanting me to check out their business. That's fine, I do, and then I send an email back thanking them for the information and include my signature line. I figure you just never know!

Any good sites you would recommend?

Have a Scent-sational day everyone!




Re: Does Posting to Free Classified Sites Bring You Business?
9/14/2007 3:07:54 PM

Happy Friday back at ya!

I'm so glad you posted this question, Kathy.  I've been wondering the same thing for the past ten months!  As in all other forms of advertising, I find that it's "hit and miss" across the board.  You just never know for sure.  The important thing is to just keep getting the word out there ... as massively as possible.  Here are some free advertising resources for you to try.  When you click on my referral links, I DON'T EARN ANY $$$.  So feel free to help yourself and click away!!


Hope this helps! And have a wonderful weekend.

Market & Prosper,

Melanie Kissell


Re: Does Posting to Free Classified Sites Bring You Business?
9/14/2007 3:56:50 PM

Hi Melanie,

Thanks for the tips and for your list of free advertising sites. I recognize some of them that I have used, but I see a couple of new ones I hadn't heard off!


Re: Does Posting to Free Classified Sites Bring You Business?
9/15/2007 11:28:28 AM

The Hillbilly Gardener here and yes contrary to some rumors you may have heard, no I'm not dead and have not quit! As to your post - I have pondered this for some time and it wasn't until recently I remembered some things I've learned over the years and was reminded recently. The best advertising is NOT the best add but name recognition. How do we do this? get our name in front of people as often as possible. How we do this is up to us but if free ads, etc. will get my name in front of people no matter how often, it is worth the effort. The hard part to come to grips with is as the best saleman I ever knew (he could sell a glass of water to a drowning man) put it - "if you got the best ad in the world and you had the best ad company in the world, and you had an unlimited budget to place these ads, you would still need 100 people to see the ad before you would sell one thing". So I gues you would have to say that when it comes to advertising, it is about the numbers.

I'm terribly slow at getting things accomplished and the deeper I get into this, the more difficulty I have at time management and getting things done. But it is my belief that everyone needs to try every avenue possible to get their name in front of people. Another thing I'm coming to grips with is the need for adequate tracking software or service to tell you where the hits are coming from. No hits - drop the program! Hits are one thing but its up to us as business people to get the conversions of the few real buyers that come our way.

I have also come to learn from the folks here, either directly or indirectly, that the best policy is to not pay for most advertising. Try it on a free basis first and if you get any traffic results, then upgrade if the traffic looks viable. But these are just my opinions and views Kathy and it can and will get extremely time consuming if you're not very careful (as it has for me). Blessings upon you and your endeavors and please - HAVE A GREAT DAY !

the "Hillbilly Gardener"
Lyndell (Jerry) Miller
(417) 777-2285

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"Ask the Hillbilly" - Got a question regarding gardening or outdoor living just ask !
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the "Hillbilly Gardener"
Re: Does Posting to Free Classified Sites Bring You Business?
9/15/2007 11:57:16 AM


Wow, great thoughts here! Thanks for the advice. I'm going to just keep working at it, time definitely is a factor with me too.

Enjoy the weekend!




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