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Don't get stuck on the WHY?
9/11/2007 11:40:36 AM

I had another amazing workshop last night.  I encounter over and over again the "WHY" question.  It can become a sickness when people can not move on because they are stuck in the "WHY".  I watch and listen to so many people that come to my workshops, but their number one question to me is "WHY".  So I usually ask them "Is there any why, or explanation that will take away what you are feeling."  See people look to our side sources to make the pain inside better. Instead of "why" they need to ask themselves what do I need to feel better?  What do I need to let go, and move on?  Remember you can not control other people.  You can only control yourself, and your actions.  Also ask yourself is this really worth the energy (your life force) to let this situation get stuck in your mind or in your heart or in your body at all?  We chose what we take on, and we chose what to let go of. Take care and be health.

Reiki Life Coach April Corbitt

April Corbitt Life Coach 619-442-1341

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