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hello friends
9/7/2007 12:43:28 PM

I wanting to ask for something.i know that this is a little much and if so you dont have to reply. i'll still be your friend lol just playing haveing a little humar well the thing is this if you guys know of anyone thats tring to travel have them e-mail me at and that will be a honor. now not only that for those that havent sign up for yuwie yet please except my invite listen to the video and yes sign up it will make you money also its free totally .You have been invited to join by kara mason. When you join, you will be instantly connected to kara and kara's friends. Click the link below to join.

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First off, Yuwie is 100% FREE. Yuwie is like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

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