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Beth Schmillen

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Einstein quote of the Day!
9/7/2007 12:30:00 AM


"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value." Albert Einstein

"Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving."  Albert Einstein

Monica S

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Re: Einstein quote of the Day!
9/7/2007 9:37:35 AM

Excellent Quote! :)  You are on a roll lately, delivering inspirations to all!! 



Nick Sym

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Re: Einstein quote of the Day!
9/7/2007 3:36:31 PM

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Re: Einstein quote of the Day!
9/8/2007 2:59:43 PM


               Ah Yes, Mr Einstein, another of my personal heroes. One man I met recently liked Einstein so well, he claimed to even have an Einstein action-figure doll of the man. I was like, "OOOOOoooooooooo....k!" I'll buy that for a dollar.

               But apart from what most of us know about the man Einstein, his brilliance was many, many years ahead of even OUR generation. In a book on Jung, a close friend recently related a piece of text to me that still leaves me in wonder and awe. For the deep philosophical and spiritual beliefs of Albert Einstein are still controversial, even up to this day.

              The text my friend read out to me made note of other possibilities of existance, and of the deep closer connection of Mankind through what has been dubbed the intergalactic collective conscious of man. Einstein was making referrence to his infamous discovery of the mathematical equation, PIE=MC-Squared. (Sorry I don't have the exact punctuation on my keyboard).

              Anyway, Albert Einstein said of the formula, "I didn't concoct or make up this formula, nor did I devise it. It was 'out there', and I was the first one to reach out and grab it. If I didn't write it down, somebody else would have sooner or later."

              That my friends, is REALLY, REALLY DEEP! Too deep for ME to ponder on a daily basis. But if he is correct, in that all human minds are somehow connected, and can share knowledge consciously or subconsiously with the entire human race, then imagine the infinite possibilities of humanity if we were all able to control and tap into this.

              I could go on, but I would like to see what the rest of you have to say about this first. And my thanks to whoever started this thread, because I find subjects like this truly and unduly fascinating. Waiting on you guys to respond, I shall remain,

                     Benton Middleton, @ The IpowerNetworK

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Beth Schmillen

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Re: Einstein quote of the Day!
9/12/2007 11:18:02 PM

Thank you Benton for such a wonderful reply in my Einstein quote of the day forum, for it is I, Beth of BethsVentures who took it upon herself to copy and paste pics and quotations that as far as I know are actual words and images of the genius himself ....!

I've read your postings before I believe over at Georgios' Forums on Philosophy and or Beliefs...and I always have to come back and reread what you've written before I'm comfortable replying.... I'm just not as quick on the replies as I was when I was younger... Maybe I need to wear shoes without socks like Einstein himself... oh wait... i already do... must be nutritional... now everyone and their brother will want to pitch me their bioavailable supplement made from anything but huckleberries...

I'd never heard of Einstein speaking that way of his theorems ... it is amazing to think that anyone with  a similar inclination back in his day might have come up with what he did... and for it to take most of the next decade for technology to catch up with the theoretical to prove he was correct... that is another thing that is mind boggling... fun to read though... I'm just not conversant about it!

I did once read a little bit about curved space and that the geometry for that was already figured out... and that the mathematical minds that could grasp that then were the ones who like Einstein could have come real close to what he did... but some say it might have taken a few more decades! or? longer? that's conjecture on my part...

Now I'm waiting for the Quantum Physisists to figure out if they can come up with a theory for all of it... or as I like to say... that they'll figure out that they can't!

LOL... that's a little joke... see, in the 80s I read a bit about science and mathematics written to explain it and it all sounded like within a decade they'd have this figured out.... so... i went out and bought a set of The Encyclopaedia Britannica so I would have the full coverage of knowlege of the subject before the BIG AMAZING THEORIES OF EVERYTHING came out... just as a reminder of how things were... and because the family needed a set of 'em anyway...

I'm still waiting... the EB I have doesn't cover string theory and some other talk that's been out since then that I haven't taken the time to read as much on as I should have!

What I did learn is that I bought a set of encyclopedias just before they started dumbing down EB... There's articles in there that are more complete and in depth than what is covered in later editions... probably because of lack of space in just what to include in the publication...

But then I was talking more about the mathematical minds who could postulate this stuff!

You were speaking of the more metaphysical aspects of consciousness that Albert Einstein also talked of from what your friend shared with you:

 "I didn't concoct or make up this formula, nor did I devise it. It was 'out there', and I was the first one to reach out and grab it. If I didn't write it down, somebody else would have sooner or later."

Einstein did just talk as though it was poetry or music didn't he? Some novelists say the same thing...  Where is that ... that that comes from?

Was it Thoreau and Emerson who called it an 'oversoul' ??? That has been tugging on my mind since american lit in high school and I've never read more about it since then... Which is terrible to admit... because I have a copy of Walt Whitman... maybe he was one of those who felt there was an oversoul? hmmmm don't know...

Well... we all know others take it more specifically to a higher power with names and dates and male offspring or female depending of the deity(ies) in question....

E = MC squared  ... my machine doesn't type that                                     2  in  that special way! or if it
                                   does.... how the heck does it do
                                   that... and what is it called!???





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