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Is Your Business Licenses In Order? Have All The Right Permits?
9/4/2007 6:32:52 AM
Every one of us that do business on the internet has a business license, right? Well, you are suppose to.

Now, there are certain businesses you don't want to be caught without the proper licensing. Hazardous chemicals sales is one. If the products you sell are required to be shipped with a required OSHA material safety data sheet then you will need to see if your local and state licensing agency commands special licenses and reports from you.

This could be anything from SARA Title III Tier II Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Form, Chemical inventory sales and shipment destination forms, shipment and handling permission of Hazardous Chemicals license, Advertising Permits of Hazardous Chemicals, etc ...

So, check with your local licensing agency to see what you need so you are not hazardly running your business and wind up in trouble.

A friendly announcement to help business owners with business.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Les Johnson

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Re: Is Your Business Licenses In Order? Have All The Right Permits?
9/4/2007 7:02:22 AM

  Hey Kenneth!

 You are so right on with this one. After talking to some of the investors behind the scenes and our Motor Latte corporate office, all of the meetings that my old sponsor, but new President, (he's still my sponsor and very good friend and brother with Christ), they have to have meetings with all of the different companies that deal with the types of Hazardous Material, MSDS, TXLED, ...etc., etc., and even Fed Ex. who ships are products. Actually, it has become somewhat of a nusiance with Fed Ex because if nobody is there to sign for the products, they will not leave the package(s) even with the front office apartments or communties that are gated.

  Kenneth, that is the good thing about our company at ML. They really do have to take care of all of this, everyday, so I and others will not get caught up in this and bog us down. We just have to be able to comply with what is needed to be done thru our own leadership, and my responsibilities as well. Wow, imagine all of that coming out of me, lolol. Hmmm, things are starting to look pretty darn good on my end, Kenneth!


Les Johnson
Certified Independent Representitive!
Motor Latte Commercial & Fleet Services
281-999-1156 Hm Bus. #
281-999-0043 Fax #





Thanks! God Bless!! Les Johnson Certified Independent Representitive! Motor Latte Commercial & Fleet Services 281-999-1156 Hm Bus. # 281-999-0043 Fax # http://w
Re: Is Your Business Licenses In Order? Have All The Right Permits?
9/4/2007 10:49:00 PM
Hi Ken! I just wanted to say thanks so much for all your reminders, tips, and great information. So many times I have found myself opening an email or reading a post from you and saying...oh wow...hadn't thought of that, hadn't gotten around to it, or flat out didn't know it.... Thanks for always being such a great Adland friend and mentor! Tracey Nadeau
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Re: Is Your Business Licenses In Order? Have All The Right Permits?
9/4/2007 11:26:22 PM
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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Is Your Business Licenses In Order? Have All The Right Permits?
9/5/2007 1:06:01 PM
This post reminds of when I worked very hard at keeping all my ducks in a row by getting the city business license for my Amsoil venture. I thought I'd call the licensing department and get a more personal and accurate response.

It sort of went this way: since I didn't sell product from my home address and no parking or traffic issues were apparent, no visible advertising signs, etc, etc. I would not need the typical city business license.

Strata communities usually have rules that do not permit a business of any sort. This is quite unrealistic as who doesn't or hasn't had a "You-name-it" out of the box plan for a home business!  I would have barrels of  flammables, explosives or corrosive liquids in my garage, that's for grow-ops and meth labs - not for me thank-you very much. Only the law abiding citizens seem to need permits but crooks and vagabonds get away with it - until their house burns down.

Home business ventures worth their salt now are on the web so how licensing and permits are relevant is beyond me.         

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